monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Looks Like a Good Place for a Drive-by.

Went to breakfast with RA, had a lovely breakfast pizza, did not tip waitress because the Diet Pepsi machine was broken and I did not get a Pepsi. Was that bad? Maybe it was. Well, it was early and I hadn't had any caffeine!

I don't know where the rest of the morning went. RA had something to do, so I went home and played Animal Crossing while Rachel studied. Hey, it was my day off! Rachel had promised the sister missionaries she would go with them to an appointment, but when they got there, the person was not home. She had left a note, though, asking them to come again, so they didn't feel too bad.

Rachel brought the sisters back to our house and they came up to my bedroom where I was sitting on the bed, knitting, after folding 3 laundry baskets full of clothes! The sisters had another appointment in the afternoon, which Rachel was not available for, so she told them I could go. Ugh.

Rachel wanted to go out to lunch after the sisters left, so we went to the Chinese restaurant, then did a little shopping. I went up and took a nap when we got home, and when I woke up, it was time to go out to meet the sisters. I didn't want to go, I just wanted to sleep!

I dragged out to the car and drove to the area where the appointment was, but I had forgotten my directions, so I pulled over in a bad neighborhood to look at a map, and when I looked up, I saw that two doors down there was a group of about 10 thugs standing on a lawn, looking my way. Eek!

I drove away casually, and tried to find the street that was on the map, but didn't seem to be anywhere in the vicinity, and finally I had driven around the block so many times I was sure all the drug dealers knew my car, so I just went on home.

I called the sisters later and they said it was no problem. Well, what else could they say?

Made frozen pizza for supper, played Animal Crossing to amuse Rich, took another nap, and when I woke up, Rachel was home from work. We went out to the grocery store to get supplies for the dinner we're catering for Kim tomorrow, and then I came to work.

Friday and Saturday nights at work are very quiet, and that's okay. I'm reading a Harry Potter fanfiction called Ginny's Gift, no wait, I'm reading the sequel now, but anyway, I've got my knitting and something to read, so I'm happy.

2:38 a.m. - 2006-05-06


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