monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Oooh, sparkly!

Well, well. Rachel called me on her way home from Indiana, with her cell phone on Roaming, mind you, to say that she is engaged to Ash. So how about that? I can stop calling him her um, yeah, and call him my Future Son In-Law (FSIL). Apparently she was so stunned by the beauty of the ring and the surprise of the whole moment, that she can't remember exactly what he said, except that it was something lovely and romantic, and also he offered her some gum, and she just stood there looking gobsmacked until she realized she should be saying something! She's pretty happy, I tell you what, and so are we, because you know our motto, If Rachel's happy, we're happy. I never did get that tattoo. (I think it was the gum that did it - who can say no to gum?)

There is no actual wedding date yet, but we've already started planning the wedding she's always dreamed of, the one in which the entire bridal party wears red high-top Chucks! What can be cooler than that?

In other happy news, apparently I did not make the announcement about Scott and Carolyn's happy event loud enough, because in the last couple of days, two of my sisters have mentioned that they didn't know about it. So let me just say again, Scott and Carolyn? They are going to have a baby, around the end of the year! Woot! Someone new to knit for, someone else, I mean, since I also have my FSIL, who I have been making socks for already, and it doesn't seem to have scared him off.

Scott would not allow me to knit anything for Carolyn, in fact he ordered me to not cast on one stitch for her until after they were married! Since then I have made a sweater and a pair of socks for her, and I am almost done with another sweater. I just have the front edging left to do on the Sitcom Chic sweater, and it is so cute, that I might need to make another one and give it to Kim!

Speaking of Kim, it's two weeks to graduation, and I haven't sent out the announcements, so I brought them to work with me tonight and I am going to get right on that little job! I was going to have her do some of the addressing, but first she had to finish a story for Creative Writing and then she had to practice the harp for her Senior Solo tomorrow night, so yeah, I have time, I'll just do that myself.

Ooooh! And then I need to practice lettering so I can do some wedding announcements. I wonder if I should start a shawl...

12:09 a.m. - 2007-05-21


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