monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Ow! My knee!

I'm back at work tonight, reeking of smokey pizza crust (I was heating it up in a pan, to keep the crust crisp, like I learned on TV), and my knee is hurting!

Yesterday my knee felt better, so I went for a walk and went up and down some stairs, thinking vaguely that it would strengthen the knee if I used it and apparently I was completely wrong about that and now I'm in pain. Crap.

So I'm taking Advil every four hours and using the elevators instead of the stairs. And complaining about my knee to anyone who will stand still and listen, except that it's a little embarrassing to explain that I hurt my knee walking a dog.

Today I made a roast in the crockpot and some mashed potatoes and gravy, so that's one thing I accomplished. Another thing I did was to finally watch a DVD of short films that my friend Andy made 20 years ago when he was a teenager.

He told me about the movies a long time ago, and loaned me the DVD to watch them, but I wanted Rachel to watch them with me, and she was too busy, so I put it on a shelf and then put other things on top of it and then gradually forgot about it until I remembered yesterday. Rachel was at my house tonight and we watched it. It was very entertaining! Twelve year old boys (Andy's brother and cousin) facing off and yelling, "You took everything from me! My business, my wife..." and then throwing very professional punches and spitting out fake blood. It was great!

I have a stack of five movies to watch on the coffee table in the living room, so I am hoping to rest my knee and watch them this week. I have the March sock to finish, and some Wallabys to work on, too.

11:42 p.m. - 2008-03-24


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