
Gene - 2006-12-19 10:24:46
I was just looking through Diaryland and found yours. I just had jury duty yesterday and after getting on a jury it was dismissed. I was able to go home then. I've been called 3 times the last 5 years. Twice I've gotten out but the middle time I was on a murder case for 5 days.
shawn - 2006-12-19 17:56:19
you should predetermine guilty
Sarah - 2006-12-19 20:09:07
I think I've been called twice but not since moving to VA. The first time I was on a shooting case and it lasted 3 days, we determined he was guilty but it took some convincing for some of the jurors. I had a date the last night when we were deliberating - I think it was when I first started dating Mick -and the judge was trying to keep us until we came to a verdict. I really wanted to get out of there so I was very convincing!

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