
Karin - 2007-10-24 11:31:07
The Pinecone scarf isn't a trendy scarf. It may be knit on big needles, but you have to do lace stitches and pick up stitches along the cast on edge. It's not just a garter stitch, plain, boring eyelash yarn on pink needles kind of scarf. And it looks nice. I want to make one for my brother-in-law. . .what yarn did you pick? I'm glad it's not just me who feels defensive when I knit scarves. I want to carry around something complicated just so I can say, "yeah, I was just taking a little break from this cabled sweater with the Fair Isle sleeves and thought I'd whip up a scarf. I'll probably have it done here in a couple hours. It's yours if you want it. $15."
Heather - 2007-10-25 16:22:16
14 WIPs isn't bad. I'm at 6 (I think). You'll always be interested in at least one of the projects. Sometimes I get bored of projects, and if I don't have enough WIPs to choose from, I won't knit (terrible, huh?) Gotta keep yourself entertained!
Sarah - 2007-10-28 00:01:34
14 seems so overwhelming. Good thing you made that whiteboard list to keep you going! I only have 2 WIPs right now. The shawl I gave Inger for Xmas last year while it was still on the needles (or was that 2 years ago?!) and a sweater for Chris. Well, 4 if you count the two baby sweaters that need buttons. I was going to finish one of them today and discovered I was one buttom short - ugh! I need to start a new girl sweater for Gigi's baby, the one I made the beaded fair isle for last year. She told me she still puts it on her daughter because she loves it so much but now it's more of a shrug that a cardi.
Diana - 2007-10-29 23:54:03
every time I read that I think you're saying that you make STEAKS!

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