
Melissa - 2007-11-25 12:22:45
I got a free pass for the Golden Compass movie - so now I won't feel so much like a tool for going, haha! (It came with some Walmart special movie I bought).
catsoul - 2007-11-25 14:15:27
Bizarre Foods hosted by Andrew Zimmern. My husband said the Zimmern means "hammers" in German. Just a side bar of info there. I watch him all the time. Another show your husband might like on the Travel channel, is hosted by a friend of Andrew's, it is called Anthony Bourd something. I love Bizarre Foods because Andrew describes the taste so well, and the places he goes to are awesome. By the way, I am still knitting away on the scarf, it trully does look blacker in the photo I showed awhile ago. I am such the slow knitter I guess. Have a great afternoon!!! =^..^=
Sarah - 2007-11-25 17:57:00
I thought you were going to Diana's for Thanksgiving and then I never heard anything more about it. I cooked for some friends of ours and I did a regular Thanksgiving and then a low carb version (Yay George Stella) and I ate that but it included a pumpkin cheesecake (my first time) and so much better than pumpkin pie (tastes like baby food). Low carb stuffing and gravy wasn't as good as regular but totally worth it since I'm down a few more pounds instead of up and we are going to be in LA next weekend. See you Friday!
Caroly - 2007-11-25 23:27:14
You're making a Totoro hat!? That's awesome! I'll bet it's adorable. Aw ... we're going to have the most amazingly spoiled baby in the world.

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