
catsoul - 2008-02-26 06:54:57
Thought I would give your new comment thingy a try. I am still knitting on your scarf. How long do you want it. I have almost six feet now. I also want to know if you like yarn dangles off the ends of the scarf. Monkey socks, are those with little monkey faces on them? I love Soc Monkeys. Nic and Nora make the cutest and cuddlest flannel soc monkey pattern pj's if you are still looking for something to order and get in the mail. Hey, take care and yupe pretty darn soon, we can tear off the month of February and almost walk through the "Door of Spring!!" =^..^=
Kath - 2008-02-26 07:41:48
I see no mention of the scarf for Ash - so you must have finished that. I'm going to check out the monkey socks, they sound interesting! ~~K~~
Diana - 2008-02-26 09:28:23
yay comments! I love the Chile quote, Maribel and I laughed over that last night.
Karin - 2008-02-26 12:56:25
Ooh, Monkey Socks. Those almost made my Copycat list this year. I'll be waiting to hear how they went for you. (Kelly might be getting some next year.) And it sounds like your Opal might be Smoke? I'm saving a ball of mine to become Pomatomus socks in July.
Heather - 2008-03-03 18:47:42
I didn't finish my Copycat socks for February, but I'm done with one of them. I hope that counts for something. I already have the yarn and pattern picked out for March, though, so I better get on these February ones!

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