
~~Kath~~ - 2008-11-16 13:57:08
The things we do for our children!
catsoul - 2008-11-16 15:03:29
Oh, thanks you made me sit here and laugh!! =^..^=
Diana - 2008-11-17 04:41:15
I just want to comment on Sarah's yesterday entry. I have not been to a baby shower since I moved to AZ that does NOT serve liquor. My friend Janis went to one where it was served in baby bottles and they had to call a cab to take her home!
Sarah - 2008-11-17 13:30:31
Baby bottles? I love it, that's brilliant! I'm going to another shower next weekend for a closer friend and she assures me that she will have wine and instead of dumb games we are having a cooking class. I asked if she could skip the gift opening as it is painful and she said she tried, but the hostess said NO. But she offered to open mine first and let me leave!

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