
catsoul - 2008-11-18 12:56:34
What a lovely day you had!! You should try in the crockpot a turkey breast with the bone in it. You add 2 cups of wine or broth(I used the broth) and one stick of butter. The recipe called for onions but I skipped it. Cook on high 6 hours. My husband loved it. I added a few small carrots in there also. You could make a normal turkey and this. It just fell apart, it was so juicy and tender he said. I have been reading A year of CrockPotting and getting new recipes to try from her. Have fun...drink diet pepsi...knit & play animal crossing!!!! =^..^=
Diana - 2008-11-18 14:07:30
I have a weirdish hole in the wallaby I'm working on where the increases are by the ribbing. It's tiny so I'd normally ignore it but of course it's right in front. grr.
Jenna - 2008-11-18 19:03:06
Bullet hole? Haha! When are you going to get outta the ghetto?

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