monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


the first entry

Welcome to my new cheesy temporary journal. I took down my old journal completely after the big meltdown last night, and I will probably eventually create a new site, but this will do for now.

What has been happening here is this -- Rachel's boyfriend misunderstood something I said in a instant messaging conversation with him one night last week, and he completely flipped out and called her up carrying on about how I was right, he isn't good enough for her, she needs someone smarter and stronger, blah blah woof woof, and she asked him if he was breaking up with her and he said no, but what she really needs is someone so much better...

By the time she got off the phone with him, she was sobbing and I was furious, but I had to leave for work, so on the way, I called him from her cell phone (I had it in my purse and all of her friends numbers are programmed into it!)and yelled at him for upsetting her (she is still sick and weak from the Mono), so he called her back and they smoothed it over, and then he called me at work and said she was okay.

I thought that things were fine, so I wrote an entry about the whole ordeal for my online journal and thought that was the end of it. Well it wasn't the end of it, because he wrote me an apologetic email the next day, saying he can't believe he misunderstood what I said in the IMs and that he was sorry for how he acted.

Fast forward to me at work a couple of days later - yesterday night - and I got a call from Rachel, who said that Jason's mother had sent me a furious email because for some reason beyond my comprehension, he had shown her the journal entry and they took offense. He said it made him look like an ass! Hello buttcrack, you were an ass!

Rachel started to read the email to me, but I stopped her because I truly didn't want to hear it. I thought that if it was really awful, I would fume about it for the rest of my life and never be able to get over it, and what if they get married? I don't want to hate his mother forever!

So Rachel deleted the bitchy letter and I still don't know what she said, but I have been enjoying my role as the victim of this whole thing.

The ironic thing here is that Rachel was getting kind of tired of him anyway, and it turns out that is why she kept going away and leaving me talking to him on the computer. She has been so sick, and she would talk to him for a while and then say she was too tired, and go lay on the couch. I thought she was just sick but it turns out she is just sick of him.

I told her she needs to break up with him before she goes to Argentina, so that he isn't left hanging and waiting for her for 18 months, but she isn't sure what she wants to do.

It's entertaining the hell out of me, of course, but after the whole thing with Someone Else over her journal and then this incident with mine, I just decided to take mine down so I wouldn't have to worry about Jason and his mother reading it and sending the URL all over creation.

So Rachel is really thinking he and his mom are kind of creepy, and it started when he misunderstood what I said that night when we were chatting, and he went all berserk. I told her to beware of guys who are too comfortable talking to your mother, it is a warning that there is something wrong with them. Look at Gabe...

12:36 a.m. - 2001-09-28


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