monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Oh the weather outside is frightful...

Okay, I haven't had any desire to rent crappy movies and watch them while I knit since Rachel left, but last week I was feeling bereft and thought that I should do something besides mope all weekend, so I took Kim to the video store to rent some stuff for a Friday-night crapfest.

I got Made, a little movie no one has heard of but me, written and produced by the guys who did Swingers, and Space Cowboys, because I thought Rich would like to watch it with me, and Kim talked me into Cats and Dogs, and I also got The House of Yes, which sounded like it might be a little odd, but it had Parker Posey in it and I kind of like her since I�ve seen her in a couple of things and then she was on Will and Grace last week, too.

So I worked the midnight shift on Friday night and when I got up on Saturday I started watching Made, and Rich was giving off a �trying to be tolerant� vibe, and I was feeling defensive about it, so about halfway through the movie, it wasn�t going anywhere and I was too tired to watch any more, and I was tired of feeling Rich's disapproving emanations - "How do you find these movies that no one has ever heard of?" and "Is this one of those movies you rent with a lot of swearing in it?" (because killing and demons and blood and gore are okay, but saying 'fucking' is a bad thing, thanks honey, I think I've got it now), so I turned it off and put in Space Cowboys, which Rich informed me he had already seen, so I just went in the den to read my email and suddenly I just got so sad � what with being tired and missing Rachel to watch movies with, and I started crying and went back to my room. Kim came up and brought me some Tylenol PM and a Diet Pepsi to take it with, at Richard�s suggestion ("Let's drug Mom"), and because I had a headache and needed more sleep I took it.

Kim sat on my bed and read an Nintendo Power magazine, maybe because she was afraid to leave me alone, but I like to think it was because she thought it would be comforting to have her for company, and then the mail came and we had letters from Rachel to read and then I got drowsy from the drugs and went back to sleep for a couple of hours and felt better when I woke up.

Oh right, I started with that story so that I could tell you this one - today I wanted to watch a movie while I knitted so I put in The House of Yes, and I'm so glad that I was watching that while Kim wasn't home because it was disturbing and I don't just mean because of the bad acting. It was about insanity and incest, thank you very much, but it killed a couple of hours and I got some knitting done.

7:44 p.m. - 2001-12-18


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