monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


The weather outside is frightful.

It's cooler here but still very sticky, and it's cloudy. The painters are here and they are outside scraping the old paint off the trim so they can repaint it.

Patsy has a cold and I was looking on the internet to find out if I could give him some Advil (my answer to all pains and sickness - it's a miracle drug!) but it said that if your cat has a cold he should go to the vet because he can develop sinus problems or pnuemonia. Sigh. Please let me go spend money at the vet's office.

Rich spent the whole day at girl's camp yesterday and had fun hiking in the woods with Kim during her free time. We were expecting him home for dinner with the missionaries, but when he wasn't here by 5 I got worried and called Billy No-mates, who was already home from work and eating snacks in front of the TV in his underwear and he was kind enough to get dressed and come over to have dinner with us to chaperone the missionaries.

Rachel cooked all afternoon and made Argentina food, and it was very good. When Rich got home from camp, he did the dishes and complained about how many there were, but that's how it is when you actually make dinner - it dirties a bunch of dishes!

We watched Brigham City last night because I wanted Rachel to see it and enjoy the genius of Richard Dutcher's filmmaking, but it was too intense and creepy. She kept saying it was deeply disturbing, and she says it kept her up late, thinking about it. Well, it is intense and creepy, but it's a really good movie. I only watched it again because I wanted Rachel to see it, and now she wants to see it again to work things out. She's going to take it back to school with her, to show some friends.

Ugh, it's hot in the den.

1:21 p.m. - 2003-07-10


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