monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


San Francisco Roulette

Whew! I'm so glad that's over! I'm the new activities chairperson in our ward (that's cruise director, to you!) and I just did my first event tonight. I had a lot of help from Rachel and Ruthann, and after dreading it and having a tantrum and then just doing it - oh, and the nightmare I had about it last night - the ward pool party is over and it went very well.

At some point we were thinking of doing a Hawaiian theme, but when we couldn't find any Leis at any shop around ("We had some, but we're all out now"), we gave up on that plan. The ham and pineapple shishkebobs that we planned to go with that theme stayed with us, and Rachel sat at the kitchen table this afternoon, sticking a cube of ham, a chunk of pineapple, and a green or black olive on toothpick after toothpick, while I sat across from her, idly reading out loud the most interesting ideas from my new book, Ward Activities for the Clueless.

I made my famous White Trash dip for chips, and it was a big hit. It's sour cream with a package of Ranch dressing mix, a bottle of bacon bits, and a cup of grated yellow cheese. Really, it's great.

We had watermelon, too, but we grossly overestimated the amount of melons we would need, so of the 4 we bought, we gave away 3 as prizes in an impromptu hula hoop contest. The clear winner of the contest was about 10 yrs old and she just stood there, barely moving, and casually braiding her hair to keep it out of her face while the hula hoop circled her waist like magic! The other two kids were excellent, but nowhere near as amazing as the first place winner.

Apparently it's a tradition to have a contest to see which guy can make the biggest splash off the diving board, and I was prepared with prizes for that but I got bored with it before they chose a winner. Sorry guys, but the number of cannonballs off the diving board that I can watch is limited. The fattest guy wins anyway, doesn't he? He displaces the most water. So after about the fourth big splash, I wandered away and looked at the cute long-haired blonde lifeguard (male) for a while. I left someone else in charge of the prizes for that, and I never did see who won.

Okay, and was this too wrong of me? I had bought a bunch of the tiniest little cute bottles of pop from Walmart for 25 cents each, and one of them was sitting alone on the table with the sealed cracked but it looked like no one had opened it, and Rachel tried to give it to me to drink so I could try that flavor (it was Bubblegum flavor,ewww, but it tasted good, like cream soda!) but when I saw the seal was broken, even though it looked like it had not been opened, I couldn't bring myself to drink out of it. I was standing near Kimela, though, and I offered it to her, and I PRETENDED to break the seal and twisted the top off as I handed it to her! I feel kind of bad about that.

I've had 3 days off in a row and spent them all shopping and preparing for the party, so it's not like they were pure unadulterated pleasure, and I was up at 6:30 this morning so this is gonna be a long night at work tonight. I did catch a nap this afternoon for about an hour, but I don't think that will be enough.

Oh, remember all those Hamlets we rented? If you thought we were going to actually watch them all, you were quite mistaken. I am the queen of renting movies and then returning them, unwatched (usually late, as well). So we started to watch the Kenneth Branagh Hamlet and although he is certainly attractive, and the movie was pretty to look at, well, it was boring. I would like to watch it sometime, but this week was just not the time.

Instead, we watched Pride and Prejudice, the A&E version, and then this afternoon when we had everything ready for the party and a couple of hours to kill, we watched The Cat's Meow. It was a movie that we bought at Blockbuster because Rachel wanted it, and that was only because Eddie Izzard was in it. I had never heard of it. It was fun to watch, and turned out to be based on real events. It takes place in the 20s and Eddie Izzard plays Charlie Chaplin. It's not a comedy, but it was very entertaining.

11:34 p.m. - 2003-08-09


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