monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Just babbling. About nothing.

What a weird day! I got home this morning and when I went to bed...I couldn't sleep! I don't know if it was the Claritin I took last night or what, but it was very bizarre! So instead of sleeping, I addressed and stamped all of my Monday letters, and talked to everyone on the phone.

I called Billy No-mates first, and he made me feel insecure about work. I am used to his way of thinking now, and I know that he just assumes that everyone else thinks I'm stupid because HE thinks that everyone else is stupid. So I am not as paranoid as I could be.

I talked to Rich several times, both IMs and phone calls, and he was great, he never got impatient with me bugging him, and he hesitantly suggested that it might be PMS, which does keep me awake, although usually at NIGHT! He is so funny, he knows I get mad if he says any bizarre behavior is PMS, so he is careful and apologetic about mentioning that possibility! I have told him before (at the top of my voice) that he isn't qualified to make that diagnosis, but he says he's lived with it for 20-some years and he thinks he IS qualified! The bastard.

I also talked to Sarah, and tried to call Inger, but apparently she had just left the office, so I left a message telling her to write me an email and tell me everything that's happening, so she did. She wrote a great email with plenty of details - just what I like. Thanks, Inger!

I would have called Diana, but I didn't have anything to talk about, I just wanted to whine, and I hate to interrupt her at work for that. It doesn't keep me from calling Rich all day to whine, but hey, that's part of the marriage contract - in sickness, in health, through whining...

Tonight, however, I realized that I DID need to talk to Diana about when she is planning to visit in October, so it's a good thing she mentioned it when we were talking tonight. She's coming for a week and bringing the kids with her and I'm very excited! Her kids have mostly grown up in Arizona and they can see Autumn in the Midwest! Where we have trees with leaves that change color, just like in books! So we were planning some activities tonight, like visiting the cool haunted house, and going to an apple orchard, and out to the stinking fort tower that overlooks a beautiful valley that Rich always takes visitors to see, but I hate climbing up that splintery thing!

So tonight when I got to work I filled out a vacation request while I talked to Barb, who acted a little put out that I was asking for time off, like she always does. That's why I did it in front of her, just to annoy her. I'm such a brat.

She asked what we were going to do while Diana is here and if we were going to Galena, a little tourist town full of shops and I said no, I'm not interested in buying tzotchkes (sp?) and I told her what we were thinking of doing, and she seemed to think that we weren't doing enough boy-type activities. Whatever. I told her they will probably mostly play video games - hey, we do have a new skate park here in town, but I don't know exactly where. She looked doubtful, so no doubt her little redneck nephews and grandboys go out and rope some cattle and shoot things.

Finally I got sleepy around noon and slept until 8 o'clock this evening! What will happen tomorrow? Stay tuned...

11:56 p.m. - 2003-09-16


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