monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


My precioussssss.

When I was in Michigan last weekend, I gave the URL to this journal to two people, and I hope that doesn't come back to bite me in the ass. You just never know what random remark might resonate!

Today I was panicking over finishing things for the Craft Show of the Damned, and talking to Rachel on the phone at the same time, and she was being all nurturing - "Why don't you make a list? Here, make a list. Open up Word, now make a heading in Bold - that's Control B to make it Bold...Did you do it? Okay, now make an inventory so you can check things off..." She was saying it all in a calm, Kindergarten-teacher voice, just like I do with her when she has PMS. What a great kid. I feel better now that I've got a list - it's like I'm in control now.

Tonight I wove in the ends on a few more items while I talked to Diana on the phone, and all that's left to finish is the pink sweater - it has a million ends to weave in, and two sweaters that still need buttons, but I bought the buttons today and I can sew them on tomorrow.

I brought the Aquarius sweater to work so that I can knit the neckband tonight. When that's done I'll weave in the ends on the body, and tomorrow I can sew in the sleeves. When that's done, that's really all the knitting I have to do. So tomorrow at work I'll be making price tags. Ruthann printed labels with washing instructions so I can stick them on the back of the price tags! Isn't that smart?

Kim was explaining to me about the people she sits with in lunch today, like telling me who they are, and who goes out with whom. She doesn't really like sitting with them, but she says there is really no place else to sit. Apparently there is a lot of crude humor at her table and Kim is tired of it.

The contract on my cell phone is up this month and they're switching everyone to a different style of phone, so I stopped there to get the new phones and add Rich to the contract. Because you know how he used to make fun of me for always needing to have my phone with me? Oh yeah, now he wants one. That's how he always is. It's a big joke when I start doing something ("You're going on a walk and you need your phone?"), but then when he sees what a good idea it is, he wants to do it, too. So I got 3 new phones and they're laying all over the house, plugged in to get charged. But tell me this, why do I need a color screen? The guy at the store, who, by the way, makes a gollum sound in his throat constantly, and it's really unnattractive, I mean, he's not someone you would really want having face time with your customers, but maybe that's just me, he kept mentioning the color display like it was a major selling point. I just don't see a need for it, that's all I'm saying. Gollum.

12:34 a.m. - 2003-11-12


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