monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Pass the Xanax.

I'm trying not to panic, but the Craft Show of the Damned is on Friday and Saturday, and I have to set up my table Thursday evening, so everything has to be finished Wednesday night so that I can go home from work Thursday morning and sleep, not having to worry about finishing anything else.

So today I bought buttons for two baby sweaters, but need to take the third sweater with me to match the color, and I also need buttons for an adult cardi, so I'll take both of those to the store maybe tomorrow and buy more buttons.

I brought all of the baby sweaters to work tonight so I can crochet buttonhole bands and sew on the buttons that I have. I brought a hat that just needs a tassel, and a sock...

The sock is one of the two Regia cotton Confetti socks that don't match because they have different ribbing at the top, and I was going to make two more socks to be their mates, but now I'm just going to remove the ribbing from one sock and knit it to match the other. Heh.

If I can finish all things I brought with me tonight, I will feel so much better, because this is the biggest chunk of the unfinished stuff. Tomorrow I can do the other finishing, but it's just a few ends to weave in on scarves and some buttons to sew on.

Today I bought tags on which to write prices and washing directions, and Ruthann is going to help with those. When those are done -- oh. I was forgetting the finishing to do on the Aquarius sweater. That's what I'll be doing at work on Wednesday because everything else will be done by then. It's a little matter of sewing it all together and knitting the neckband. Pah. Piece of cake. Pass the Xanax, I'm feeling a little anxious.


Since I went to Michigan this weekend and attended church in our old ward, I have talked to a couple of people who reminded me of how many people really loved my mom, and I appreciate that. She got on my nerves, but I guess that's what mothers do, although I don't like to think that it's possible that I could be one of them. It's easy to forget, in my memories of her being Really Annoying, that she had many good qualities, and that some of the things that I found Really Annoying are the very things that made other people grateful to know her.

11:55 p.m. - 2003-11-10


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