monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Time to relax.

Is it over yet? This has been a really busy day! I'm typing this with shaky fingers (a side effect of using my inhaler), and I'm wearing the same clothes that I wore last night. I have bed hair, too, but there's nothing I can do about that, since Rich woke me up at 10:30 and I had to be at work at 11!

I think he may have been afraid to wake me up, because apparently some people think I have been a might cranky the last couple of days.

I have been a little stressed, and today was the worst! I had to get up at 12:30 when I didn't get to sleep until about 8, do price tags for all the craft show items, take Kim to the foot doctor, and then go set up my table for the craft show. When that was done, I went back to bed, and told Kim not to wake me up until 10. Uh, people, 10:30 is not the same as 10!

Well, there's no more craft show knitting to be done, and that's such a relief! Last night at work I seamed up the extra-large Aquarius sweater, sewed the buttons on the purple baby sweater twice because I messed them up the first time, and then sewed up and stuffed all the catnip mice! Whew! It was such a nice, peaceful feeling when I had it all done, that I cast on and knitted another catnip mouse, just for the fun of it!

I'm going to eat some dinner that I just cooked in the microwave, and have a relaxing night, knitting and reading. Oh, and maybe answering a couple of phone calls and run a few reports. Since I'm at work and all.

While I was busy running around today, I had Kim with me, and she was very helpful and uncomplaining about setting up the craft show, probably because I bought her dinner at Taco Bell. We were listening to my Weezer CD in the car and the song was playing that says he wants a girl who laughs for no one else, when he's away she puts her makeup on the shelf, when he's away she never leaves the house, and I pointed out that he has unrealistic expectations if he thinks a girl is just going to shut herself up in her room and do nothing when he's not around. I'm sure it's supposed to be an ironic little song, a humorous little statement of what guys would like, as if those Weezer geeks would never expect such a thing because they aren't like most guys, no, they want women who are getting degrees in biochemistry and running the world, but you know it's what they really do want. I just want Kim to be aware of what she's listening to, and not let a message like that seep into her brain unaware. Am I too bitter?

Then as we left Taco Bell, we were at a stop light behind a big truck with big tires and a row of lights on top of the cab, that had a bumper sticker in the window that said, "My other ride is your girlfriend," and I pointed out to Kim that it was offensive, and anyway, he was probably a big dork that couldn't get a girlfriend of his own, let alone someone elses. Because that's what a truck on big tires is all about, isn't it? It's like wearing a big Transformers robot suit, but inside you're a little weeny cartoon character, working the controls. Then he spit out the window, and I said to myself, "Uh huh, that's attractive; his other ride is his right hand." I didn't share that thought with Kim.


Letter to my dad's dog, LB:

Dear LB,

Don't be hatin'.



11:46 p.m. - 2003-11-13


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