monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Let it snow - on your moose.

So today was the day. The Craft Show of the Damned! In an effort to be helpful, and to be one of the team (!), I offered to work at the cashier's table for 4 hours. So I dragged out of bed at 1, showered, looked in the cupboards for something to eat, found nothing, and came down here to the hospital to work at the show.

I told Kim yesterday that I wouldn't be able to pick her up after school, but that if she walked over here, I would give her money to buy something to eat in the cafeteria. She showed up after I had been working for an hour, and I sent her to buy sandwiches for us. I was so hungry - that was the best sandwich I've ever eaten!

I didn't see anyone buying anything that I made, but lots of people were buying small, inexpensive items. The biggest seller, incomprehensibly, was a wall hanging that was made from the top portion of a screen porch door, with a snowman painted on the screen, and the words "Let it Snow!" painted next to him, and little Christmas lights outlining the screened area. Huh. Also popular were some wooden fence post groupings with faces painted on them, wearing hats and scarves. I think they had a wooden carrot attached for a nose, too, but I didn't get a good look.

There were a lot of wooden country kind of decorations there and they were really selling. An older couple stopped to talk to me as I sat at the cashier table, and they were admiring a large wooden moose with Christmas lights wound around his antlers and I was politely being enthusiastic about it, and then it turned out that the old man I was talking to had made the moose and some of the other wooden stuff that was selling like crazy, and I somehow got swept up in the joy of the season (or maybe it was all those drugs I did in college) and I ordered a moose from him! Yes, that's right, I arranged to buy a moose, a large wooden moose, about 2 1/2 feet tall and at least 2 feet wide, with Christmas lights in his antlers, and, I believe, he is wearing a bow.

Later, back at home, I was laying in bed, trying to fall asleep so I could get a little nap before work, and suddenly I remembered that I had committed to buying the moose, and I just felt kind of sick. I was trying to think of someone who would enjoy having a moose like that for a gift, and I'm kind of thinking that there isn't anyone on my Christmas list who would. Or maybe everyone on my list would like one and I should have bought more of them!

When I told Rachel about it, she had a hearty laugh at my expense and wondered what the cats would think of it. She was actually rather cruel about the whole thing and suggested that I had been smoking crack. Obviously I am too vulnerable to the whole craft show atmosphere and should not be allowed to attend any more of them!

12:13 a.m. - 2003-11-15


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