monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


New projects, because I can't have too many half-done sweaters laying around the house.

Last night was a wierd night at work. I did everything just like I always do - read journals while knitting and drinking a Diet Pepsi, do the reports, read a novel on Project Gutenberg while doing more knitting, and so on, but the time seemed to just fly by and I just realized I never did a journal entry.

Oh my gosh, is the weekend over now? I can't believe it's finally Sunday night! It's been the weekend since Wednesday! So tomorrow we get back to real life for a couple of days, then another long weekend. I'll be glad when the holidays are over.

I went to Karin's today when I got up and took a project for the two of us to work on. It's a Knit-a-long. I just hope it's not too difficult for her. I hate the way the pattern is written, but if we can manage to figure out the pattern, it's going to be very cute when it's done. It's the cabled hooded sweatshirt called BPT from the Fall 03 Knitty. I'm making mine for Jeanette, who admired one like it in a store and I said I could make one. So now I have to.

I just read Karin's journal when I got to work tonight, and she says she wants to make a v-neck pullover cable sweater, so oops, this isn't gonna be it. I took the Aquarius sweater to show her and she liked it but it's very cable-intensive, so I didn't think she should start with that one, having never done cables before. Except for the cables, it's an easy pattern to make, with minimal shaping, so I think she could make it next, if she still wants to. I'm going to look for another pattern for her, something like a top-down v-neck with a big cable down the center front. Actually I could write that pattern out of my head. Hey! Maybe I'll do that!

When I got home from Karin's house, my family was home from Michigan! Yay! Rachel was on the couch, knitting an afghan that she started months ago and wants to finish - it's made with two strands of Homespun held together and knitted on huge needles. She says she can't quite remember what pattern she was using for it, though.

Kim was sitting in a chair listening to a CD with headphones and reading something and Rich was in the den watching TV. It was so nice to have everyone there!

So I have two main knitting projects now, the vest for Elder Harrison, Scott's companion, and the hoodie for Jeanette. I've got the Nagano sweater in a basket by my chair in the living room, and another sweater, a brown fair-isle for Scott, in a basket in the den. There is always sock knitting, too, so there's one in my purse, some marled denim/green Kroy, and an Opal sock in the basket by my bed. I think that's all my current knitting! Woot!

The list:

1. Elder Harrison's blue vest

2. Hoodie for Jeanette - varigated blues and purple Decor yarn.

3. Nagano sweater

4. Brown sweater for Scott

5. Opal socks

6. Kroy denim socks

7. (UFO) Gjenske sweater, barely started, in the yarn room. I am thinking of ripping out the 6 inches or so I've knitted of the body (it's knitted in the round, Norwegian style) because I'm making the largest size, as it was originally meant for Rachel, but I just finished the Norge 2002 for her, and a couple of months ago Kim mentioned that she wants a sweater like that, so I could re-start this one in a smaller size and give it to Kim. Yeah, I think I'll do that.

11:09 p.m. - 2003-12-28


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