monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I forgot to mention that Sarah called.

This is why I'm going to hell - because when my family left for Michigan today, I called Scott again!

OMG, I had a much better time talking to him today than yesterday! Yesterday the connection sounded so far away and it was almost like when you call Europe or someplace where there's a lag in the time it takes to say something and you keep talking over each other. It was terrible and I wasn't able to really talk to him!

So today I enjoyed talking to him all by myself for about 30 minutes, and I'm much happier. I made a list of things he wants me to do, including knit a vest for his companion, and I've already started that one. Another thing they want is a Bruce Lee action figure, because when they went to Toys R Us, they were out of them! Karin told me tonight that she saw them at Media Play, so Rachel and I can go there next week.

I didn't sleep long enough after work this morning because I wanted to help everyone get ready to go to Michigan, so I went back to bed in the evening and slept for a couple of hours. I feel pretty good now.

When I woke up, I decided it was time to call my dad to say Merry Christmas. He said he was watching TV with his dog and then later he mentioned that he was going to "get" Finding Nemo, but the store was closed when he got there. I don't know if by "get" he meant buy it or rent it, but I went to and ordered that and Shrek to be sent to him. He said that he's heard about a few movies that look pretty good, and he'd like to see them, a statement that will raise the eyebrows of any of his children, who have had to endure his scorn all of our lives if he saw us watching "the idiot box". Anyway, I ordered those two for him, and I thought if I saw anything else, like Monsters, Inc., or A Bugs Life on the sale table at Blockbuster, I'll pick those up for him. I have tons of VHS tapes at my house, too, just gathering dust, so the next time I go to Michigan I'll take a care package for him. I'm happy to encourage film appreciation!

I also talked to Gma today, and she sounds good. We talked a little about her plans for next summer, and it sounds like she will spend most of the summer at Shirley's again. That's a good plan, and I think Shirley will be glad to have her back. Gma mentioned that she might like to visit Aunt Teola, too, and I told her if she wanted to go to Aunt T's for a couple of weeks (and that's the limit of how much time they can spend together), I would pick her up at Shirley's and take her to Teola's.

After I made all those phone calls I was just sitting with my face in the computer, surfing the net, and decided to make one more call - to Karin. Her mother said she had just left with her sister to drive to Freeport to pick up her sister's b/f from work, so I called Blockbuster, where he works, and told him to invite her to come to my house, so they stopped in for a few minutes! It was nice to have people to talk to after being alone in the house all day!

So it was a pretty good day, and I talked to everyone I care about except Diana, but I called her house, she just wasn't there. I left a message with Neil, so I'm sure she won't hear about it at all.

11:29 p.m. - 2003-12-26


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