monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I type and retype.

I have spent way too much time on the mailing list for Rachel's wedding announcements! First I made a spreadsheet in Excel, but I had trouble merging it into Word to make mailing labels. Even with Ryan's help, but thanks anyway, Ryan!

Then RA tried to guide me today, as I started entering them into Word as a label mailing list, and I got all crazy and frustrated, but then when I got off the phone and thought about it all, I was able to figure it out, sorta. So all of the names are entered now (unless we have forgotten anyone, and we'll add them later) and most of the addresses. Rachel needs to add the addresses of her friends - I just put in their names as placeholders.

Now I have to buy more announcement kits, because I bought 150 announcements, but we need more like 200. Who knew we had that many friends?
That list includes everyone that Dave has known since birth, including the nurse who slapped him in the delivery room. Oh, except I'm not sure that we have his mother's list. So then we might need more announcements.

Today was the day to get things done for the wedding, and we crossed several things off of our list! Yay! We have a motel, we have a flight for Scott, we have most of the addresses for announcements, and umm, oh yes, we have started work on getting the flowers! Oh yeah, we're humming along now.

Speaking of Scott, go here to read his comments on wedding announcements and his plan for his own future announcement.

I want to start knitting a pair of socks tonight, but need a pattern that is at home, and yarn, also at home! Darn, I wonder if Rachel would get out of bed to bring them to me. Probably not.

11:48 p.m. - 2005-04-04


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