monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Thank goodness that's over.

I'm so tired! Yesterday we went to Nauvoo for Karin's temple wedding, so we were in the car all day and then I had to come to work at 11 - I never slept before I came to work, meaning that I was up for 24 hours before I got home to bed this morning.

Today I woke up around 1:30 and had to start getting ready for Karin's reception tonight. Fortunately the ladies in her ward got involved in planning the reception and took over! So I didn't have to do anything but show up with a punch bowl and bring the harpist!

Those women turned the gym in the church building into a beautiful romantic Victorian drawing room, complete with a carved mantel, and they had flowers and swags everywhere, a fountain (without water, filled with flowers) and a Chinese wedding screen. There were (electric) candles and pictures on the walls, beautiful needlepointed covers on old carved chairs; it was amazing! They had set up an area for Kim to play the harp, with the Chinese screen and a lace curtain behind her and big vases of silk flowers on the floor, and a light behind her to read her music that lit up her area so she had her own spot light.

It was wonderful, and so much better than anything I could have done! I was just going to have cake and punch and some balloons!

So yes, it was wonderful, but now I'm exhausted from not sleeping enough and the strain of being cheerful and friendly to strangers for two days running. I can't do it anymore; I've hit the wall!

People made admiring noises over Kim and the harp and that was very gratifying. Oh, and the cake that I ordered turned out great! The baker brought it over plain, with just some piped icing trim, because Karin had a cake topper and her own flowers for it, and I gave the flowers to two of the ladies that were decorating the reception, and they just snipped them up and stuck them on the cake and made it beautiful! They did a great job in about 10 minutes!

I can't do any kind of decorating, but I am willing to lavishly admire anyone else's good work, and I took pictures, too. Too bad I don't know how to use my camera, because all of the pictures I took tonight were blurry. Scott explained to me later that I need to hold the button a certain way to give it a chance to auto-focus. Who knew? Good thing someone reads the manual.

11:09 p.m. - 2005-04-09


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