monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


She's gone and she's wearing your red sweater

Wow, I'm glad this weekend is over at last. Rachel got home on Sunday, after stopping in Rockford to attend the singles ward, and she was feeling happy and relieved not to have the burden of Dave's issues anymore. We took a walk to look at the house with the apartment in it, and she saw how beautiful and big the house is, and we walked around the house, and smelled the magnolia tree in the front yard, and on the way home she did a happy dance! She was just so light-hearted and excited to be starting over!

This morning when I got home from work we went to McDs to get breakfast and then met the landlady to show Rachel the apartment. She loved it! So Rich helped her move her bed over there after work, and she took a couple of laundry baskets full of clothes, and the traveling bag she still hadn't unpacked from the weekend, so she would have grooming supplies. When I talked to her on the phone tonight, she was laying on her bed, all happy to be in her own place again. Tomorrow we'll move more stuff in and go grocery shopping, too.

Scott was feeling down tonight because his girlfriend broke up with him, so there must be something going around! It's Spring, is that the time when everyone breaks up? He predicted it yesterday, so it wasn't totally unexpected. I told him there is someone looking for a guy just like him, and it's her lucky day!

I spend most of my waking hours tonight talking on the phone. I made some necessary calls related to the wedding that is not to be, including to family members who might otherwise have been wondering why they weren't invited. By the time I got done, I was tired of listening to myself talk, but I had my routine pretty well honed. Leave 'em laughing!

In knitting news, I finished one spearfish sock and it looks good. I didn't continue the lace pattern down the side of the foot, I ended it when the heel shaping began. It's a very pretty sock, and I'm already planning the next pair.

I am halfway through the second Anasazi sock for Scott, and when I finish it I'll mail both those and the black ribbed socks to him to cheer him up. Socks make everyone feel better, don't they?

I started a peplum vest for Kim with some slubby cotton yarn, but knitting with the cotton yarn was making my index fingertip hurt! The yarn has no give at all. I stopped knitting when it got too painful and I'm not sure I want to go on with it. I see some ripping in the future...

That is all I have going on, then. Just two pair of socks. I need some new knitting inspiration! When we're done moving Rachel out, I think I'll clean up the yarn room and see what I've got that might be fun to work with.

12:08 a.m. - 2005-04-12


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