monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


The more of her crap we move out of the house, the more room there is for my stuff.

OMG, I am so sore and tired! While Rachel was at her afternoon class, I went up to her room and gathered things I thought she might need, including rings for her shower curtain, and then carried the boxes downstairs. I got a box of kitchen stuff from her previous apartment that was stored in our basement and carried that upstairs. I carried her blue entertainment center from the den (where it will be missed, it was so cute and blue) and moved it to the living room, but by then I was wheezing (my athsmar!) and didn't have the strength to carry it to the car.

Then I called RA and told her that I had a vanful of stuff to take to Rachel's place, and she offered to come and help me! What a friend! Actually we are both just enjoying helping our girls set up their apartments! It's so much fun! We met at the apartment and started carrying things from the van to the foyer, and when RA's "adopted" daughter, Cynthia, the single mom who moved in last week, heard us, she came out and helped us carry it all up to Rachel's place.

Cynthia cracks me up - as we carried the entertainment center (oh blue, I will miss you) up the stairs, RA said something about living on the second floor with no elevator and Cynthia said casually that when she lived in Oregon with her ex-husband, they lived on the third floor with no elevator, "But we were junkies, so we didn't have furniture," She's just very matter-of-fact about it.

So after all the carrying and stairs we did, I'm feeling the burn. Rachel will have buns of steel in no time.

After her class Rachel came over and we went shopping for the second time today - the first time was to buy all the little things you need when you move, like a broom and some toilet paper. The trip tonight was to buy some cotton yarn to make dishcloths! I'm going to make some for both Rachel and Cynthia, for housewarming gifts!

11:49 p.m. - 2005-04-12


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