monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Nobody round here knows what happened to you.

Rich dropped the dog off at the groomer this morning and told them to shave her down for summer, so the poor dog is hideously naked. At least she smells clean.

Still working on the shawl for Rachel's apartment. Did I explain about making a shawl for her to hang in her bedroom? Kim's Feng Shui book says that you should have pink in the bedroom to bring good fortune to your romantic life. I know what color I'm going to paint my room now! The book also recommends having your dragons face a source of water to bring good fortune to your home, and says you should not have dragons in your bedroom because they have too much yang, or energy, and they will keep you from sleeping well. Kim has at least 20 dragon figures in her bedroom, so that explains why she never sleeps at night. She stays up late, then takes a nap after school in my bed while she "watches" cartoons.

So, in order to follow the advice in the book, Rachel removed the big dragon drawing from the wall of her bedroom and needs something pink to decorate with. I pictured a shawl hanging somewhere in the room, I don't know why, and now I am knitting one. It's a simple pattern, not like the accursed wedding shawl (for the wedding that is not to be), and I have made one before, years ago, but I couldn't remember where I got the pattern. I started knitting anyway, because I know it was a basic triangle shape in garter stitch, and while I knitted, I tried to remember the name of the pattern, or where I saw it, or anything that would help me find it again.

Finally I remembered that the description of the pattern mentioned that it was meant to wrap around the shoulders (in other words it's not a very large shawl), so I googled the words, "knitted shoulder shawl", or something close to that, and ta da! I found it! It was originally published in an online magazine called KnitNet and the name of the pattern is Tasha Tudor's Shawl. It's easy garter stitch with a simple knitted-on border, and she can hang it over the curtain rod like a valance. She's still got the dark purple one I made a few years ago, so there you go, she's got a valance for each of her windows.

In other Knitting News, well, I'm still working on the second Spearfish sock, and there is a sock in my purse to work on, but all of my knitting energy is going into the shawl right now. I think I'd like to make a few of these, but maybe by the time I'm done with this I won't want to anymore.

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70% General American English
25% Upper Midwestern
5% Midwestern
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11:21 p.m. - 2005-04-18


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