monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Some golf and some knitting.

Kim had her first golf lesson today! My baby! I took some knitting and a book and waited in the clubhouse. There was a huge TV turned to ESPN (what else?) but I was busy watching Kim golf. It was a little dull. She was happy about it, though, and she's going back next Tuesday.


Still working on the Truly Tasha shawl. I worked on the border tonight while watching a movie with Rachel. It was an old Hitchcock movie called, The Trouble With Harry. Rachel didn't have any knitting with her, so she scrounged around in the yarn room and started a shawl, too. She's using a pattern from Knitty called Cosy, and some soft mossy green yarn that I bought at the Fiber Festival a few years ago. After the movie she put the knitting away in a drawer in the yarn room so she can work on it when she's at my house. Last night I walked to her place and I needed to something to knit while I was there, so I found a half-done sock on needles among her things that I worked on and then left to be my knitting when I'm at her apartment.

Reading: I've read every Agatha Christie book to be found online, so I had to go to the library today. I brought Perilous Friends by Barbara Epstein to read at work tonight. You know I only read books with murder in them. Oh, except for Harry Potter. 88 days until the Half-Blood Prince!

11:11 p.m. - 2005-04-19


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