monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


in which Rachel is going to learn to golf, dammit.

It was Kim's golf lesson again today, and while she golfed, Rachel and I set out to walk around the course.

There was a pretty gazebo up a small hill, so we started up the hill, planning to turn there and follow the path to a bridge we could see in the distance.

It was a nice, day, not too hot, and we started out briskly, but here's the thing - it was uphill! I was gasping for breath before we'd gone very far, but we kept walking, heading for the gazebo, and finally, we made it! But... where was the rest of the path? Because it ended there! There was a nice grassy slope down to the bridge, but no path to get there, and we could see a bit of path across some grass on another side, I didn't think we should just be walking all over the grass, so we started back up the path the way we had come, heading back to the clubhouse.

You know that old joke about walking to school, uphill both ways? Well, I swear, when we started back along that path, we were walking uphill again for the first few yards! Wierd. It did slope downward before we'd gone very far, thank goodness. So we toddled back to the clubhouse and hauled out our knitting and waited for Sport Billy Kim to finish her lesson.

While we were there, I noticed a sign on the bulletin board, advertising group lessons for adults and Jrs. during the month of June, and I told Rachel that she and Kim should take those lessons together, and they would be able to practice together two or three times a week during the summer. Rachel wasn't very excited about it, but Kim assured me that she will enjoy golf when she starts playing it. So pay no attention to the whining. She's going to love it.

2:51 a.m. - 2005-05-04


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