monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Kim is writing a novel, too, but it's about characters in a video game.

So on Tuesday Diana and Rachel drove to the airport at 4 a.m. and Diana was able to get a flight out. I miss her already.

I didn't sleep much over the weekend because I had company, so I was really tired by 7 a.m on Tuesday morning. I went home from work and went right to sleep...almost.

I was almost asleep when I heard my cell phone ringing Diana's ring - Valkyrie - so I jumped out of bed and ran to the charger in the bathroom and it wasn't there! I could hear it and finally tracked it to the charger in Kim's room. I left my phone with Kim Monday night when I went to work so that if anyone called about my dad, Kim would answer the phone and she could call me at work. I don't get cell phone reception in my office at work.

By the time I found the phone, Diana had hung up, and when I called back I got her voice mail, so I guessed that she got a flight and was boarding. Yay!

I took the phone back to my room, and about half an hour later, Inger called to let me know that Dad had died. She said she was going to the funeral home and would let me know about arrangements later.

About half an hour later, Sarah called to make sure Inger had called me, and after that I had to get up to go to the bathroom(and I still don't have a working toilet upstairs - don't get me started on that), so I took the phone downstairs and left it with Kim again.

I woke up again around noon and talked to Inger, who said that she was faxing an authorization for cremation to all of us and that we needed to get it signed and notarized and fax it back to the funeral home, so I got dressed and came in to work to get the fax. There is a notary in the office next to mine, so that was easy.Rachel was back at my house by then, knitting on the couch, and watching the Food Network, but what she really wanted to do was go out and buy a sander to smooth out the old paint on the basement floor. She has to finish the painting and get moved in by the end of the month.

We went to one of the Marts and as we were going I thought I would call my brother and see how he was holding up, since he was the one who'd been going to sit with Dad every day in the nursing home. He sounded pretty good, and agreed that it would be nice if Kim plays the harp at the memorial service, and then he started going on about how Dad thought it was good that our kids all Did Things, and how he and Dad agreed that Kids Today Just Waste Their Lives playing video games. Well, first of all, I didn't know that Dad was aware of anything my kids do, and secondly, video games are Kim's main interest in life, the thing she would rather do than anything else, but she is an A student and plays golf and the harp, so I don't have a problem with her using the rest of her brain to play Final Fantasy X. (Although she is not allowed to mention Black and White in my hearing again in this lifetime.) So my brother was talking about Dad liking this and Dad thinking that, and I was just nodding and agreeing, but in my head I was wondering who he was talking about because I think he may have had someone else's Dad in mind, certainly not the father I had, who really wasn't interested in me or my children.

Rachel and I went to Verna's Yarn Shop, too, because when life is stressful, one should buy yarn. Rachel needed more yarn for the baby sweater she is making and I wanted to buy yarn to make one too. I bought the same color that Diana is using for her Prairie Shawl, a dark brown-red called Coralberry.

Rachel had been up since the airport trip in the morning, but she wanted to work on the basement floor, so she and Kim went downstairs and started sanding and I went back to bed.

When I woke up, the girls were taking a break, so we all went out for a walk and took the dog with us because as we put on our shoes she was dancing around in an excited way. She wasn't so excited at the end of the first mile, and she was definately dragging as we walked back home. Rachel kept saying, in the dog's voice, "Call for the van, call for the van," but we didn't call Rich to come and get us. The dog was pretty tired when we got back home!

So it was a long day yesterday and today wasn't much better, although there were a lot less phone calls. It was humid all day, and I am just so tired of sweating!

In more cheerful news; only two days until the new Harry Potter book comes out! I'm re-reading Order of the Phoenix, but skipping the parts I dislike the most - the bit about the giants, and the part where Harry sees his father being mean to Snape.

11:24 p.m. - 2005-07-13


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