monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I realize I will have to find some more bear jokes.

We're done! Rich moved the last piece of furniture from Rachel's apartment, rolled up the last rug, and brought a few groceries from her refridgerator home, and now we're done moving her! The next time she moves, she'd better have a husband to move the furniture! I know I said that before, but this time I mean it!

So I slept while everyone went to church, and while I was sleeping the whole driving-the-girls-to-camp snarl got untangled and we don't have to do the driving. Yay! I wish people would have worked out those details a little earlier, or at least talked with the other adults face to face, because these girls can't carry a message reliably! After last night, when I thought that our family was going to get stuck with all the driving out to the boonies to pick up girls, and driving from Hell to Israel to get them to camp, this is such a relief! As a result of last nights craziness, this morning I had a bad dream about taking Kim to camp, in which I was told that camp was going to cost $1000 a day this year, or $7000 for the week! I was very shocked and angry in the dream, and pointed out that I could send her to Space Camp for less than that, and then I woke up and people were home from church and I found out that it was all a misunderstanding, and whew! I felt so much better!

So tonight Kim was getting together the things she didn't pack last night, and she couldn't find her sleeping bag. She was looking all over the house for it, and then someone called to tell her what time to meet in the morning, and that person reminded her that her sleeping bag was still at their house, and has been since the canoe trip! She is having one last blast of role-playing with Sando & Co. on the internet tonight and then she is off to live primitively for a week. Except that she is taking her cell phone, tucked into a corner of her crate and wrapped in a Ziploc bag! I told her she has to keep it with her if she goes hiking, in case she gets lost or snatched (by bears or aliens) so she can call for help! I know you are thinking I am a crazy mom, but I can live with it.

Knitting Report:

Finished the Opal Bright Orange lacy sock #1, and working on a varigated pink sock in a plain pattern.

Gryffindor scarf - about 1/3 done? Maybe a little more. Thinking ahead to a Ravenclaw scarf for Scott, or maybe Slytherin.

Rachel is working on a sweater she started months ago, but she is thinking of making another one when this is finished, and she has some specific ideas for what she wants, so I'm going to look around on the internet tonight and see what I can find.

What I'm watching now: Nothing, because we've been too busy with the moving, but I've got 3 Netflix and one movie from Andy, the movie Sensei, so I have some things to watch next week while Kim is gone to distract me from worrying about her out in the wild.

Reading: Finished HP6 twice, and last night at work I read an Agatha Christie book that I liked a lot, "Why Didn't They Ask Evans?". It was funny, and it started out with a golf match. When Kim gets back from camp, she has to read a book from a list for one of her Fall classes. She chose Jane Eyre, so Rachel, Diana and I are all going to read it, too.

11:41 p.m. - 2005-07-31


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