monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which all God's children got a place in the choir. But some of them are just mouthers.

We've been moving Rachel in, and it's almost done. Only the big dining room table and a rug under it remain in the apartment, and she and Rich can get those tomorrow. I emptied closets and cupboards today, and yesterday the two of us carried a couple of loads of stuff down to the van, drove to our house, unloaded and went back for more. It was all armloads of things we could carry, except that we got ambitious and moved her desk, too. We had to carry the desk down the stairs at the apartment building and then down the stairs at our house, and I took a nap when we were done. My arms are a bit sore today.

Kim is leaving for camp Monday morning. She's going as a junior leader this year, so she had some bug boxes to decorate to give to her group of girls. The boxes have been sitting on the table in the hall since she brought them home from her training meeting, and today I insisted that she turn off the computer and get those boxes done! I forced her to pack, too. I am so mean.

I was in a v. crabby mood this afternoon, but she got the packing and the bug boxes finished and I finally took a Tylenol PM and went to sleep for a couple of hours before work. I feel a bit better now, but then that lying lunatic who always says he's killing himself called me and pissed me off. I know we're all God's children, but some of us need a good hard spank.

1:26 a.m. - 2005-07-31


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