monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


The ballad of Scooch and Cougar.

So I was talking to Diana on the phone tonight, and she was watching a television show about wierd baby names, which got us talking about wierd names we've heard, like the Australian rock singer whose name I can't remember but his kid, and I don't know if it's a boy or a girl, is named Banjo. True fact, because I saw it on the big screen the other day when I was at the movies and they were doing the trivia questions before the show started.

Anyway, we were wishing we had named our kids something funnier, and we decided to rename her kids! Why not? They're going to be rock stars anyway, and they'll need cool names! Diana mentioned someone who named their kid Puma, and that reminded me of a play I read where one of the young characters was named Cougar, after the car he was conceived in, so we're calling Neil Cougar now.

I can't remember the name we first thought of to call Nick, but then I remembered a name I thought was hilarious the first time I heard it - Scooch! So Nick is Scooch, and Neil is Cougar, although Neil tried to interest us in calling him Audioscience. We told him maybe he could name one of his kids Audioscience, but then I thought the better of it, and said, "You don't want to name your kid something stupid like that, Cougar!" which totally cracked us up. And Scooch tries to say we aren't funny!

11:40 p.m. - 2005-10-05


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