monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I wish I was sleeping right now.

OMG, I am sitting in my office at work, cold and aching! Oh, the suffering!

Today was the day of the Nativity Scene display at church, before the Christmas broadcast. Two weeks ago someone called to ask if I would organize the Nativity scene display, and I agreed to it, even though it was only two weeks away. RA made a flyer, it was announced in RS, and some people signed up to bring their nativity scenes.

I woke up at 2 in the afternoon when Kim called home for Rachel to pick her up (and her harp) from the Historical Society, where she had been playing for their Christmas Tea.

Rich went to pick up Kim instead, and they took the harp to the chapel where she would be playing it later during my Nativity display, and then she was home to play Animal Crossing for a while.

While Rich was gone, Rachel and I shoveled the walk because it snowed a lot yesterday and the nice boy that has been shoveling my walk for the last two winters did not show up to do it today. I miss him.

At 4:30 Rachel and I went to set up the nativities and get the room ready and RA met us there to help. We ended up having slightly less nativities than last year, but it was still nice.

RA was tired afterward and so was I but we cleaned up and then she dropped me at my house. (Rich had taken Kim and the harp home as soon as she was done playing.)

It was 10 degrees outside when we left the church, and if RA is as tired and sore as I am, then she must be pretty miserable! I ache all over! What is up with that?

So here I am at work, and I took some Advil and turned up the heat, but oh man, I would really like a nap!! Tomorrow I hope to sleep all day!

11:37 p.m. - 2005-12-04


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