monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


If you don't like to rip, you don't like to knit.

I have decided to change my life. Starting right now. I want to be a completely different person, and it's just a matter of making a few little changes.

First, when people ask me if I have got all my Christmas shopping done, I will not say, "Hell no, it's not Christmas Eve yet!" I will remember that they are just wanting an opportunity to brag about their tremendous organizational skills, or maybe they are just making conversation. In either case, they aren't really interested in the answer, so I will just smile and say yes.

Second, I will remember that I am going to stop drinking so much Diet Pepsi for reasons of my own that I don't have to explain to anyone, and I will not get pissed off at comments from people who feel slightly superior because *they* aren't an "addict". I will remember that they have problems of their own, and need every excuse to feel good about themselves and it's no skin off my nose if they mistakenly think they are better than me because they don't drink Diet Pepsi. Geez.

Third, I will stop saying "Fuck" over every little thing, like when I trip over one of the hundreds of shoes laying on the floor in the front hallway, because that is a big swearword that should be saved for special occasions. On the other hand, I don't want to use it too sparingly, so I need to remember that, just like sending flowers, there is no occasion when "Fuck you" is not appropriate.


Other news:

Saw Goblet of Fire again this afternoon with RA because she hadn't seen it yet. She had forgotten that Moody is the bad guy in this one, so she enjoyed being surprised at the ending. I enjoyed the Weasely twins, and I think Ron is appealing, too. I don't think it was necessary to put in the bit with Hermoine being sad after the dance - it wasn't that way in the book and it's unnecessary in the movie. If Ginny is meant to be Harry's love interest eventually, I think it would have been wise to hire a better looking kid to play that part. I like the relationship between Harry and Hermoine better than the projected romance between her and Ron. You know she'll just have to boss Ron around all the time and be calling him "idiot" under her breath, but with Harry I think there would be mutual respect, and that is a lot healthier.

Oh, and speaking of idiots, when I told Scott that Brian's wedding was postponed because of some bad behavior by BTA, Scott said it was really too bad that there isn't an agency like Rent-A-Ninja so we could pay someone to kick him in the nuts, because it would be cheaper than hiring an assasin.

Spent more money on yarn today and started a scarf in the movie. Knitted about 10 inches and decided to use a different stitch pattern, so ripped back to the second row and changed to seed stitch. Knitted 3 more inches before the movie was over - in all, knitted 13 inches, have 3 on the needles.

12:06 a.m. - 2005-12-13


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