monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Aww, isn't the puppy precious?

Oh my goodness, I had so much fun playing with a puppy today! One of Rachel's friends bought a black Scottish Terrier, and it is so little and precious! I tried to take a picture, but when you are taking pictures of a black dog with a black nose and black eyes, well, it's pretty much a picture of a smudge.

Rachel has been knitting a sweater for the puppy, and she finished the sweater tonight before the girls went caroling with their friends, so the puppy wore the sweater, and was admired everywhere he went! He went to K-m*rt in Rachel's purse, too!

I don't know what I did today, but it wasn't much, and it sure wasn't sleep! I slept about 3 hours in the morning and another couple of hours in the evening, but I'm still tired!

Hmm, I know I played some Animal Crossing in the morning...there was a puppy...some people came over to play cards...It's all pretty much a blur. My house is such a mess, though, and I hope Rachel cleans it while I am sleeping tomorrow.

We're supposed to get some big snow tonight, and Kim is hoping she'll get a snow day. She wants to stay home and play Fire Emblem all day, but I have news for her! If she doesn't have school, she needs to practice the harp, because she is going to be making a CD on Thursday! I'm so excited!

I have some knitting tonight, but I don't have something to read. I wish I had a library book, but I haven't been there in a while, and now I owe a fine again. I don't want another run-in with the mean librarian, so I'm avoiding the whole place.

Well, obviously I have nothing to talk about so I'll just say this; Scott's coming home on Friday!

12:29 a.m. - 2005-12-14


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