monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


What's on channel 666, the Devil's network.

Oh sugar, what a day it's been! I signed up on the calendar that was passed around on Sunday to go and spend the day with a woman in our ward who had a brain aneuryism which led to brain surgery and then to some loss of memory and subsequent confusion, so that she needs to have someone with her during the day while her husband is at work, at least until she gets better.

I had the night off last night and my usual pattern is to fall asleep early in the evening and wake up unGodly early in the morning, so I didn't think it would be a problem to get over to their house by 7:00. Her husband is a teacher and needs to be at work at 7:15 and then he's home at 3:30, and he has the summer off, so it's good, she only needs people to keep her company during the day until summer vacation.

I woke up at 2:30 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep, so that didn't make me happy, but hey, I had no problem getting over to LeeAnn's house on time. Her husband explained to me that she needs to do some memory exersizes and keep a journal during the day, and there is a notebook with the exersizes and the journal right there on the kitchen table, so it's all easy-peasey, gotta go to work, bye! And there we were, with a long day ahead.

We took the dog out to pee and sat on the front porch for a while, and LeeAnn seemed pretty okay, just a bit confused about what city she was in - she sometimes thinks she is back in Golden, Colorado, but I just remind her of where we are and she's fine.

We watched TV all morning and she played with the dog, who is very cute but a bit yappy! I rewound some yarn that the dog molested, and then knitted on a pirate beanie (black with a white skull) and watched the Today show. I don't usually watch any morning TV so that was fun and entertaining, and so was Regis and Kelly, because fortunately, Regis was absent today.

Then I was bored, but luckily RA had planned to meet us at LeeAnn's for lunch, so she brought supplies to make BLTs and a 2-liter bottle of Diet Pepsi! After the lovely lunch, we put the dog in his kennel on the back porch and settled our sleepy butts on the couches and watched Passions, possibly the worst soap opera ever made! Apparently LeeAnn watches it every day, and I would require brain surgery to make me able to sit through that crap on a daily basis, too! I think it's what they show on the overhead monitors in Hell!

There were lots of DVDs on shelves under the TV, and finally I suggested we watch You've Got Mail, because that is everyone's favorite, and we figured out how to work the DVD player - because there are no instructions written out for it, and LeeAnn has memory loss! Thank goodness for the excellent directions Scott wrote down for me to use at home after I woke him up at 2 in the morning when he lived in the dorm to ask how to use the DVD player at our house! I remembered the tricky way ours is routed through the VCR, and just for fun I tried it at LeeAnn's house, and hey presto! It worked! That got us through the rest of the afternoon. Which was no problem, except that every 20 minutes or so, LeeAnn asked us where the dog was, and I reminded her that he was in his kennel on the back porch.

RA and I took off for home as soon as LeeAnn's husband got home, and as we were driving home in our separate cars, she called me on my cell phone to ask me where the dog was? Har. Har.

As soon as I got home, I fell into bed for a nap. Rachel followed me upstairs to find out how it went and I told her about Passions and the concern over the whereabouts of the dog before I went to sleep. I woke up three hours later, and Rich was home. The first thing he did when I got out of bed was ask if I knew where the dog was. Oh, they are such comedians.

1:48 a.m. - 2006-04-22


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