monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Peach pits.

When you get up at 6 in the morning, 9 pm looks a lot like bedtime! I took a nap in the afternoon, and woke up to the sound of Kim and her viola-ist friend practicing a duet they're going to play tomorrow in church. It was lovely!

I watched some early-morning TV and got a great idea for the pre-prom dinner we're catering for Kim and her friends, so when Rachel woke up I told her about it, and we made a shopping list and I found myself at the grocery store on Saturday morning! That is a place I don't like to be! Kim went with us because she needed some deoderant and she likes to choose her own - she doesn't like to share with us! She picked some that smells like peaches, which is not what I would want my underarms to smell like, but well, there you go.

When we got home Rachel made some fantastic dip from a recipe she found in a magazine, and we had that for lunch wth crackers and vegetables. She took the rest of it with her to Kat's house for game night with their friends.

Rich has been busy with this and that today, and it's been rainy most of the afternoon and now, it's really raining hard and the wind is blowing, too. He walked the dog and then two hours later, he came down to take her out again and when I questioned the need for him to go back out, he said she was bouncing around. She only does that because she knows he'll take her out, because when he's not home she sleeps on the floor for 6 hours at a stretch and doesn't need to go out all the time. I foiled her little plot by putting on my shoes and taking her on a forced march! I don't let her walk all over the road and smell everything, I just walk on the sidewalk and she doesn't like it because I'm not her dad! Kim went with us and I talked to Diana on the phone the whole time as it rained on us, and the dog was not happy. She kept hanging back and slipping her leash, but I wasn't happy either, and I just kept on walking her furry butt through the dark, wet neighborhood until we were both soaked. Hah, I guess I showed her who's boss...

I took a hot shower when we got home and I'm going to go upstairs and read in bed.

9:01 p.m. - 2006-04-29


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