monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


All about my knitting.

I went to bed at 8 p.m. on Thursday because I was so tired from getting up at noon to go with Rachel. I woke up around midnight, but I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep and I didn't want to stay up all night, so I took a Tylenol PM and read a book until about 2, when I felt sleepy and went back to bed. I still woke up at 5!

Rachel left for clinical practice, Kim went to seminary and Rich finally left for work. I went out to breakfast with RA after seminary, but she has a sore throat and it's moving up to her ear, so she just wanted to go home and sleep.

When I got home I folded some of the laundry that has been piling up - not all of it - and knitted a couple of rows on the shawl. It's going well now, but I'm not that excited about the yarn. It's fuzzy because there is some mohair content, but no, I'm going to keep working on it. It looks like a wadded, hairy mess right now, but I am going to keep working on it, knowing that blocking the finished product will make it look great! Last spring I made the Triangle Lace Shawl, and when I blocked it, it made a big difference! I will have faith in the miracle of blocking!

So while I was working on the shawl, I was thinking about the Starsky sweater in an old issue of Knitty, and how cool the ribbing looked when I saw someone working on hers in the yarn shop, in an off-white wool, and I thought about how much Rachel would like the finished sweater, and how much I liked the ribbing...

Finally I looked up the pattern online, and then I sat on the bed in my semi-clean room and read They Found Him Dead by Georgette Heyer while I swatched for the Starsky. I used some of the Lamb's Pride that I've been using to make Mrs. CB's Camp Jacket. Did I mention that the front of it doesn't match the back? I don't know what happened; maybe I was tense while making the front, but it's smaller. Sigh. I was going to have to rip out the front to do it over, so I ripped it out and swatched for the Starsky. The gauge was good, so I cast on and started the ribbing for the back. Mmmm, lovely mindless ribbing...

After dinner the ribbing was done and I was sitting in my chair, balancing the chart for the aran pattern that makes up the body of the sweater, and trying to follow the chart and listen to Rachel and her friends talk at the same time, but then after three rows of charted pattern, I looked at my knitting and you know what? The yarn is charcoal gray and the pattern that I was slaving over? It can't be seen, what with the dark yarn and the slight fuzzy texture of the Lamb's Pride.

I put the sweater away, got out the shawl again and worked on it while watching The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (weird but fascinating - Rachel and I started watching it and as Kim and then Rich drifted through the room, they were sucked into its vortex of strangeness and stayed for the rest of the movie) and I worked on the shawl until the movie was over.

We all went to bed at 11 and I was going to read in bed and knit a little on my bedside knitting, which is the Wallaby for Dave McD's baby-to-be, but I had barely started when I felt sleepy, so I just did a few rows and then stopped and went to sleep. I love it when I have a weekend off and I can sleep so much!

When I woke up this morning I had a brilliant thought - I don't need to do all that aran patterning on the Starsky! It doesn't show, and the sweater would look just as good without it. The shape of the sweater is just what Rachel wants, a long cardigan with a deep ribbed shawl collar and a belt, and the texture pattern just adds bulk but no visual interest since you can't see it! I think I'll rip back the three pattern rows and do the body in stockinette stitch. It's got a better chance of being finished if I can read HP fanfiction while I work on it, so that's also a plus.

7:08 a.m. - 2006-04-29


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