monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


It's warm in here and I'm so sleepy!

Quote for today: "It doesn't matter if you have great hair, if you're certifiably insane." -Diana

Nothing worth mentioning is happening here, that's why I haven't been posting. There's nothing to talk about! Must be post-prom letdown.

What I'm knitting now:

1. Feather and Fan shawl in some wool and mohair blend yarn, dyed a color that looks like grape Koolaid. I'm pretty sure it's some of Gunhilde's yarn that I bought at the spinning shop a few years ago.

2. Wallaby sweater for Dave McD's new baby, due the end of the month. I'm using dark sage Decor, so it's machine washable.

3. Mrs. CB's Camp Sweater in Charcoal Lamb's Pride. The back and both sleeves are finished, but I've reknit the first front piece twice. It's still not the same length as the back, and I followed the directions carefully! I will have to lengthen the front or shorten the back. Which will be easier?

4. Three socks on the needles, but they are resting. One of them is in my knitting bag in case I get tired of working on the Wallaby later.

What I'm reading now:

I finished HP and the Paradigm of Uncertainty last night and tonight I'm going to start the sequel. I read Paradigm before, but then I started it again because people were talking it about it on a email list. I stopped in the middle and read something else, but then Inger said she was reading it, so I went back and finished it last night. I'm going to start a list to keep track of fanfics I've read and which ones I like.

It's hot in this office tonight!

11:19 p.m. - 2006-05-10


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