monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Buffy is foiled again.

It's been a day. I got home this morning and spent some time sitting in front of the computer, reading mail and whatnot, then I called RA to see if she wanted to go out to breakfast. Of course she did! So we went to breakfast, then did a couple of errands, nothing really fun, but she had to buy a printer cartridge and we couldn't find the right one at W*lmart, Km*rt, or one other store, so finally we went to St*ples, or the Freak Store, as we call it, and they had every printer cartridge we could imagine. I didn't get to bed until late in the morning, but it's my day off, so it didn't matter.

When I got up, Rachel was home and she was so happy to be done with finals. Kim came home with a little project to work on for the astronomy club, so she spent the rest of the evening cutting out pieces and putting together a paper model of a satellite called (maybe) Stardust, for a display at the planetarium. Geek.

We ordered pizza to serve the missionaries for dinner, and afterward we showed them prom pictures and they gave us a little lesson. Then they took Rich with them to an appointment. He didn't complain about going, so when he left and Kim started complaining about the dog farting, I thought I would be kind and take his dog out for a walk.

Did I mention that it's been raining out for a couple of days? Well, it was still raining, but lightly, when I took Buffy out, so I was carrying an umbrella in one hand, and the leash in the other, and had a plastic bag in my pocket for scooping. We walked around the block, and there was a reluctant dog on the end of the leash, because she doesn't like to walk in the rain, so once she had peed in our own yard, she didn't see any reason to go further! But I insisted, and she plodded mournfully along behind me.

On the far side of our block, we were walking, and I was wishing I had my cell phone with me, and did I mention that instead of my usual black, I was wearing a peach-colored sweater? So when my sandaled foot slipped in a mudslide across the sidewalk and I went down on one knee and then sprawled forward on the muddy sidewalk, I not only looked like a clumsy chump, but I got my sweater all dirty, too! Ow! I picked myself up and dragged my muddy self home, limping on my sore knee, and verbally abusing Buffy all the way. Except that it was all so ridiculous I kept laughing out loud while I cursed her.

When I got back to the house, I stripped off the wet, dirty clothes I was wearing and Rachel took them downstairs to the laundry, in hopes of saving my sweater, while I went upstairs to rinse the mud off of my feet and hands. I was cold and unhappy so I got in bed, and Rachel brought up the box of books she was cataloging in her laptop and worked on that to keep me company.

I called Scott to tell him that Buffy tried to kill me again, and he and Carolyn laughed at my misfortune. She's going to fit right into the family.

Hey, you won't believe this, but Scott has updated his journal! Take a look!

3:55 a.m. - 2006-05-12


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