monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Watching bad movies because I'm bored.

Why I Quit Netflix This Time

Yes, I know, I've quit Netflix several times and I always go back, which is the story of so many bad relationships, isn't it? It's always for the same reasons - I quit because I am watching so much crap, and then I go back because I'm bored and I want to watch something I can't rent from Blockbuster.

There's a reason so many of the DVDs I get from Netflix aren't at Blockbuster - it's because they are terrible! I order up these little-known movies that are recommended by the people who recommend things at Netflix (and I just realized it's probably a function of their software to make recommendations based on your previous orders), so after I watched another couple of terrible movies, I just decided to quit again.

The next time I am home and bored, I will just go to the movie rental store and get some movies and not rejoin Netflix!

By the way, do not watch The Squid and the Whale, it is an awful movie full of unlikeable people. It says comedy/drama on the box, but there is no comedy, just horrible sad mean people. I could only watch about 20 minutes before I hated all of them! Also, The Shape of Things? More of the same, mean sadness. Not funny. Daddy Day Care, which I watched to wash the horror that is The Squid and The Whale out of my brain, did manage to help me not think about anything else for a while, but it is pretty dumb. Steve Zahn really needs to make better choices.

Today I'm going to do some cleaning and a little laundry, in preparation for the trip to Utah. Tomorrow there will be packing, and we will take the dog to the kennel camp. See you at the reception!

7:30 a.m. - 2006-06-23


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