monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


More about the wedding.

So yesterday I wrote about the trip out west, and then last night I started thinking about some of the small incidents, and I wanted to put some of them down here before I forget. So here are some of the highs and lows of the trip.

Rich's List

The night before we left, Rich and I were bickering slightly about how he never responds to things that I say and he said it's because he doesn't know what I want to hear. So Rachel, who was sitting on the couch with her laptop, started making a list of appropriate responses that could be adapted to any situation. She typed up the list of about 8 things, and printed it for him to carry so he could refer to it when he needed to.

Rich carried that list with him for the whole trip, and pulled it out of his pocket whenever he needed it. It contained helpful remarks like, "I know you're sad, I miss our son, too." and "Your hair looks great today!", also, some things that he could use if the occasion arose, but he didn't need them this time, like, "Damn them!" and "I can't believe he did that to you, do you want me to have him killed?"

Actually, that last one was good for when I was telling him about that desk clerk who sent us walking all over town to find the restaurant that was just a couple of blocks away, the idiot.

The list grew during the trip when he would show it to other men and they would add helpful remarks of their own. When we were at lunch with Scott and Carolyn on Tuesday, I criticised something Scott had done, and he said, "I'm sorry; I'm an idiot," and that immediately was added to The List. All the guys who saw it wanted a copy of it!

Sadly, Rich left The List in the pocket of his tux when he returned it, and he missed it on the trip home. Thursday night in the hotel, I was talking to Diana on the phone and she asked if Rich was still using The List, and I said woefully, "No, he lost it and he just keeps saying stupid shit!"

Why I Kept Wearing the Same Shirt

We are utterly retarded when it comes to packing. There is always something important that gets forgotten and we have to go shopping in strange malls while we're traveling. For this trip, I bought two new pair of pants and a shirt for Rich before we left, and he just put them into his suitcase, tags and all. I grabbed a pile of folded clothes from the top of the laundry pile and put them in my suitcase, and voila! We were ready!

So we got to the hotel the first night, and everyone had their grooming stuff, and all was good, but in the morning, Rich put on a pair of his new pants, and found that they were too big! I had picked up pants in what I thought was his waist size, but oops, I was wrong. Then he tried on the shirt, and I had accidently bought a size XXL! So he had one pair of jeans that he wore both days driving out there and both days driving back, and one other pair of black pants that he wore for the three days we were in SLC. He also had a suit with him, but have I mentioned that it was hot there? So he didn't want to wear the wool suit pants.

That morning in Nebraska was also when I found that the pile of folded laundry, all black, that I picked up from the top of my dresser? It was three pair of black pants and one black t-shirt. Other than that, I had one long-sleeved t-shirt and one heavy cotton pullover. Luckily it was cold when we left Nebraska that morning, so I wore the pullover, and just kept turning up the A/C in the car all day as we drove West, into the sun! It was too hot to wear either of my other shirts, so I wore the same black t-shirt every day that we were there.

We went shopping at a mall in Provo when we went there to see Scott and Carolyn's apartment. Rachel wanted to get some jeans and Rich bought a pair of pants at the Gap, but when we got back to the hotel in SLC, we found that he had gotten a pair that was too short! How do we manage to function on a daily basis at all? I just don't know.

Why I Had to Get a New Cell Phone

So you know I always keep my phone on Vibrate because I don't like the world to hear my cellphone ringing. Because it's on Vibrate, I have to keep it in my bra, so I can know when it's ringing, because when it's in my purse, I can't feel the vibrations.

Well, it was hot in SLC, and we were touring some of the buildings on Temple Square, and by the time we went up to the Observation Deck of the Church Office Building, I may have been schvitzing a bit, and then we had to stand around in the broiling sun under the glass roof to look down at the city (Vertigo, party of one - I do not like heights!), and as we walked away toward the elevator, I got a call on my phone, and when I answered the phone, the battery kind of popped and then the phone shut down! I had seen who the call was from before it died, but I couldn't call back since my phone was now dead! I grabbed Rich's phone, called Scott, and told him to call Carolyn's mother and call me back to tell me what she was calling about. He made a comment about people not charging their cell phones, and I may have told him to Bite Me, which got a raised eyebrow from the nice lady tour guide. My phone was dead for the rest of the trip!

The Happiest Day of My Life

After the wedding ceremony, we were all outside the temple for pictures (and I saw my hair in a mirror immediately afterward, so I don't have high hopes for looking good in those pictures), when my aunt, Diana's Mother, came up to me and said, "Isn't this the happiest day of your life?" in a goopy voice, and I was caught off guard, and said, "Yes, except that my son just got married," because she obviously knows nothing at all about me if she thinks I ever want any of my children to leave me.

When I told Diana about it later, she explained that her mother just thinks she will never manage to marry off either of her sons, who are fast approaching 40, and of course it would be the happiest day of her life if one of them was getting married.

Why Chris is a Saint

Sarah's new husband Chris, who was surprised to find out that he is now Uncle Chris to several adult children, has been my savior on several occasions. When we were at Inger's wedding and there was no Diet Pepsi in sight, he went to the store and came back with a 2 liter bottle. We later found that there really was some Diet Pepsi available at the Inger's reception, but that doesn't diminish his good deed in any way.

At my mother's funeral, Sarah sent Chris to the store to buy red nail polish because we had decided that everyone needed to wear some red, either clothing or polish, because red was my mom's favorite color. Chris came back with three bottles of polish because he wasn't sure what exact shade would be right, and also he had a pocket full of hankies for us to cry on that he passed around later during the service. Do you see how thoughtful he is?

There was no Diet Pepsi at all at Scott's reception, because Carolyn's grandmother on her father's side is a Caffeine Nazi (but a lovely person, I'm sure), and I hadn't had a Diet Pepsi for hours and sorely needed one, so Chris left the reception and dashed across the street to the mall to bring some back. I didn't see him leave, but about halfway through the reception, he casually sauntered over to my table, crouched next to my chair, and slipped two bottles of Diet Coke out of his pockets! What a guy! Sorry ladies, he's taken.

6:54 p.m. - 2006-07-02


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