monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Gotta save the world...ooh, jello!

When I called Sarah today to wish her a happy birthday for yesterday, she told me to mail her card anyway! My mailman had already come by, so I addressed the card and took a walk down to the mailbox on the corner 3 blocks away, because after he delivers to my neighborhood, my mailman parks by that box and empties it, and makes deliveries in that area. His truck was parked there, and I wasn't sure if he'd picked up the mail from the box yet so I stuck the card under his windshield wiper. He'll know I did it, because I do it all the time when he's parked in front of my house - ours is the first house he delivers to, so if I have something that needs to go out in the mailbox, and I see his truck out on my street, I have to grab my mail and run out to put it under the wipers so he'll see it.

Kathy left a note in the comments yesterday to say Happy Birthday to Sarah, and seeing Kathy's name reminded me that I have still not knit anything for her granddaughter, my grand-niece (?)! I had good intentions, and I made a couple of starts, but they live in Arizona, and it seemed ridiculous to make a sweater for a baby who lives in a hot state! When I talked to Sarah today, I said I still hadn't made a sweater for the baby, and she said she had actually made one but still hadn't sewn it together (I know how that is, the Telemark sweater is still laying on the table in pieces!) and by now it's too small!

So I went to the yarn room and found some pink Cotton Fleece yarn, did a swatch to find my gauge, and pawed through several pattern books, trying to find something that I wanted to make. I wasn't excited about any of them, really, but when I had settled on a pattern, I went downstairs to watch TV and knit. I passed through the hall, and I saw Kim's favorite sweater laying on the table with her backpack and purse, and ZING! There it was! The perfect sweater! It's fun to make, it's a simple style that I like, with no sewing together (obviously an important point!), and the pattern is written for sizes from 2-adult!

So back upstairs to the yarn room, I found the pattern and I'm about 4 inches into the body of the sweater! I'm pretty excited about it! I'm making it a bit big, because I don't know what size she is by now, but what is cuter than a little kid in a sweater that is too big, with the sleeves rolled up? She'll wear it longer that way, too. I should have it finished and can mail it next week! As long as I can stay focused, because you know how I am..."Focus, focus, gotta save the world, ooh, jello!"

11:16 p.m. - 2007-03-13


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