monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Better living through pharmaceuticals.

Yesterday was my sister Sarah's birthday, and I am remembering it a day late, like I always do. She made a comment in my journal yesterday, and sent an email forward about her friend's new business, and she didn't drop any hints about her birthday, which I suppose shows very adult restraint, but really, if people don't start mentioning their birthday to me a month ahead of time, dropping hints and reminders like a trail of crumbs, they can't expect me to remember it in time to send a card. Happy Birthday Sarah, and here is a monkey birthday song for you:

Happy happy birthday monkey dear,
Happy days will come to you all year,
If I had a wish then it would be,
That you have a tail as long as me!

(Lyrics by Rachel)

In other news, I got a gently disapproving note from Rich's parents yesterday for sending them the same picture of Kim's back that I posted to my journal yesterday. Some people don't appreciate art, especially when it is on their granddaughter's naked back.

I didn't sleep enough yesterday, but I didn't accomplish anything much either. I called my doctor's office and they were too busy to see me, but when I explained that I was just trying to get some more Xanax to stop the post-shingles nerve irritation, the nurse said she would ask the Dr. about it, and later she called back to say that he wanted to prescribe some medication that was specifically for that problem. Well, okay, that sounded good, until I got the pills and read the accompanying literature! Overkill! This stuff is just way more serious medicine than I need!

I have just a little bit, an occasional bit, of a crawly feeling under my skin in the area that was affected, and I don't think I need a month's worth of a medication that is so strong that I have ease into taking it starting with 1 pill a day and working up to 3. It says to start taking it at bedtime to avoid feeling side effects, and the list of possible side effects is long, including nausea, dry mouth, and other icky symptoms that I think are worse than a little bit of crawliness around my eyebrow! I just want some Xanax - I don't even take a whole one, just half a tablet when I need it, and I don't need it every day. It's like I need some misquito repellent and he's sending over a Pest Control truck! (Diana, I think you and Sally are gonna need to make a run for the border!)

What I'm knitting today:

I started knitting another sweater, because I wanted something different to work on. It's another cardigan, this time for Kim. I'm using some worsted-weight yarn that I think is Mountain Colors, but doesn't have any labels. I bought it in Omaha a couple of years ago when I went with Rachel to visit Planet Crazy and we needed retail therapy on the way home. It's hard to describe the colors, so I'll take a picture of it to post tomorrow.

So with that sweater, I have a total of 4 to work on, including:

  • the Gjende sweater (slow going because of the charted design))

  • Scoop cardigan in pink Lamb's Pride

  • Wrap sweater in cream-colored Elegance for Rachel - finished back and left front and have started right front

So that's all the news. If anything exciting happens, I'll let you know.

4:44 a.m. - 2007-03-13


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