monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which we take Kim to a bar.

Rich and I went out to eat this weekend, something we don't do very much because I have issues, and would rather stay home and cook something myself. We had a gift certificate from Rich's boss, a special kind of gift certificate that could be used at places downtown. Downtown is small, and there aren't many places we want to go, but we were told that we could get a good hamburger at a certain place, and you know we are all about getting a good hamburger!

We took Kim with us when she got home from her Saturday D&D game, and we drove down and parked across the street. When we went in to the restaurant, we saw that it wasn't so much a restaurant as it was a bar. So we ordered hamburgers and they were pretty good, but the service couldn't have been slower if they were grinding their own meat in the back, and also, everyone was smoking, so that wasn't pleasant.

We saw several people that we knew from our jobs, so now we know where everyone goes to...whatever. Smoke, I guess. There was going to be a band later, but it was called Alvin and the T-birds or something like that, and we weren't sorry to leave before they started playing.


As I was driving to work tonight, I was weaving all over the road like a drunk, because I couldn't find the CD I was listening to in the car earlier! I was feeling around in the pocket of my door, pulling out CDs to see what they were, but I couldn't find the one we are calling Ash Unplugged, and I suspect that Kim took it to listen to in her car! So I put in the Gin Blossoms, and by that time I was at work, so I'll listen to it in the morning on the drive home.

My knitting is making me unhappy tonight, and it's probably my punishment for being hateful in church today when someone was getting on my nerves. I've been making a large effort not to make snarky remarks to the person sitting next to me in Sunday School, whoever it might be, and I've been successful to a certain extent, but then I went to Relief Society and sat by a friend, and we were talking in whispers before the meeting started, but then it must have started and I didn't notice it because you know what I really need to sit through it all is a Ritalin milkshake, but I digress. What I was going to say was that then someone shushed us, and I know who it was and she won't be getting a card from me this Christmas, I tell you what.

So after that I was feeling a bit hateful, and I tried to listen to the lesson, but finally I gave up and exchanged text messages with Diana until it was over and I could go home. And that is why I am going to hell today.

Speaking of hell, when I am in hell, I will spend all my time knitting, ripping out and reknitting the same baby sweater over and over and it will never be right for all of eternity! Oh wait, that's what I'm doing right now!

The cute pink baby sweater of goodness? Not so much. While I was in church today, I was sitting behind a real baby, about a year or 18 months old and I could tell by looking at her that the pink sweater I've been knitting is too freaking big! I tried to talk myself into thinking it would be okay, but as I was sitting here tonight, I got to the part where I was about to knit the shoulders together and I could not keep fooling myself. That sweater would fit a kindergartner! So you know what I did - I ripped. I just ripped it back, rolled it into balls and I am just making a different sweater. That's all, and I'm not going to mourn or whine about what a lousy knitter I am, I am going to remember the motto - no, Diana, it is not "Don't be cheap!" - it's our other motto - "If you don't like to rip, you don't like to knit."

I'm going to go cast on for another pink sweater, and this time it will be right! I have a pattern for a sweater that I make all the time for new babies, and I don't know why I didn't just make this one to start with and save myself a lot of dithering and planning and ripping!

3:37 a.m. - 2007-03-19


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