monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Look sexy - smile with your eyes!

I slept until 1:30 today, possibly because I didn't drink any Diet Pepsi after 1 a.m. I didn't plan it, I just didn't have any change for the Pepsi machine.

When I woke up, I called RA and she said she was waiting for me to call so we could go out for a hamburger! She picked me up and we went to get some lunch (breakfast in my case). There was some kind of power outage at one end of town, and the power was out at Burger King, so we didn't get the Jr Whopper we wanted. We had to go for a chilidog instead.

We both had little errands, so we drove around town, making stops here and there, returning a pair of pants, buying vitamins at the health food store, you know, just piddling around.

As we drove around town, we were discussing the situation with Kim and Sando and the prom, and we thought it would be fun to look at prom dresses! We went downtown, where there is a thrift shop and another store that is - I don't know what it is, it's not exactly a secondhand store, because some things are new, but there are some secondhand clothes, too. I don't normally shop in them, but that is partly just my dislike of going downtown at all.

We stopped at the store where Kim bought her dress for Scott's wedding, the first shopping she has done on her own, and it was a great dress! She went there with her friends one day, and came home with the dress! So we went there first and it was so much fun! We picked through about 50 dresses, and asked them to hold a couple of them for Kim to look at tomorrow, and then we went down the street to the thrift shop and there were even more prom dresses! I picked out another half-dozen dresses, and then I called Kim from the formal aisle, and told her to come downtown to look at dresses!

RA left at that point, to go home and start dinner, because we had already had all the fun, and who wants to spend another hour watching someone else's daughter try on dresses? Well, I do, but I'm weird like that.

So Kim met me there and she put on dress after dress, and we separated the Nos from the Maybes, and then went to the first store and she tried on another several dresses there, because there were the two I had picked, and then the friendly helpful salesgirl helped us pick out a few more, and that's where Kim found the dress she liked the best. And that is how we found a prom dress for less than $30.

Here is the dress:

11:42 p.m. - 2007-03-20


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