monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


So are the days of our lives...

As Sands Through the Hour Glass, So Are the Days of Our Lives

As our story opens...

I woke up at noon (and I'm not happy about that!), and I heard Rich outside with Buffy, and my neighbor called to him and said the yarn shop was having a big sale, and to be sure to tell me about it! Rich, who feels, wrongly, that I already have enough yarn, told her to email it to me, probably because he doesn't want encourage my wanton yarn-buying habits!

I didn't get up right away, I lay in bed, thinking righteous thoughts about not buying yarn, and then I remembered the letter I got in the mail yesterday from the yarn store! The letter that I hadn't opened yet! When I saw it, I thought to myself that it was probably just a note about the upcoming Fiber Fair, but suddenly I knew what that letter was about! I knew that it was a letter to tell her customers that she is closing the shop!

So I got up, went downstairs and opened that letter, and that is exactly what it was about. She is closing the shop because she and her husband are getting older (they are in their 70s!) and they are going to move down to the lower level of the house, the part that is currently the yarn shop, and they want to relax and learn to use eBay and to send email to their grandchildren.

I called RA and she was out shopping, so she picked up lunch and brought it over for us, and I was still not going to buy yarn, because I'm sorry the shop is closing, but I am really trying not to buy a lot of yarn right now. When RA was leaving, I followed her out to the porch and looked in the mailbox, and found - wait for it - a rebate check from my cell phone!

Well, you know I had to go the shop and spend it all on yarn, because I am not made of stone! I bought some Galway wool in a dark raspberry color for a Must Have Cardigan, and 4 skeins of Trekking sock yarn in colors that I haven't seen there before! I may possible have spent a little more than my phone rebate. RA bought one skein of Encore (Lt. Sage color) to make a square for Gma's birthday afghan, and she said she felt like a cheapskate, but she had just come from having her hair and nails done, so she had spent enough for one day. Also, she doesn't really knit!

While we were in the store, we saw another knitter we know, who said she was going home to hide her yarn so her husband wouldn't know how much she had. I know that feeling, but I also know that Rich never notices anything, so I can leave a new shopping bag of yarn at the foot of the stairs for a couple of days and he will not look to see what is in the bag, or even realize it is new. Hmm, that may be a bit of a statement about the tidiness of my house. It is meant to be an example of how much he doesn't notice things. Just a couple of days ago, he asked me where that hideous statue of a cat carrying a bag of golf clubs came from, the one that has been sitting on top of the TV since RA brought it back from Arizona the first week in February!

When I got home I had just sat down to read my email when Kim came home from school, looking a bit disturbed. She said that Catsy wasn't at school, but she thinks that Catsy and Britta have been getting all worked up over the whole prom date situation with Sando, because today at lunch, Britta started bitching at Sando about it, trying to get him to argue with her, I think, because Kim said Britta kept asking him why he wasn't defending himself, but Sando wasn't really saying anything, except that he didn't want to talk about it right now. Kim said she watched them for a couple of minutes, and then she went to the snack bar and then sat at another table with some people she knows.

After she told me about that, Kim sat down at her PC and IM'd Sando, and asked how he was doing and he said he felt like crap, so she asked him if he wanted to go out for a while, and they went out to get something to eat and then shopped for video games. She got back a couple of hours later, and said it went well and they had some laughs in the video store, so he's feeling better now.

When I got up from my nap before work tonight, Kim and I went out for a walk with the dog, and when we got back, there was a show on PBS about deafness and deaf people, so you know I had to watch that. It was a great program, about the history of attitudes toward deafness in America and the changes that have occured in technology to benefit the deaf community, as well as the changes in the political climate. I love ASL, and I was all teary during parts of the show, when people performed, because it was beautiful! I miss interpreting and associating with deaf people - it made me feel like I was part of something important!

I missed the last few minutes of the show as it was time to go to work, and as soon as I got to the office Rachel was calling, to tell me that she'd just been on her phone for about four hours and she is sure she'll be getting a brain tumor from cell phone radiation! One of the calls was from Biscuits (you may also know him as Asshat) to break it to her that he has gotten himself engaged. It was thoughtful of him to let her know himself. I guess.

Rachel is okay about it, and she knows she did the right thing when she decided not to marry him, but it's still painful for her. The bastard. I would like to be Christian and forgiving toward him, but I saw how hard it was for her, and how long it took to get past it. Other people don't understand it all, really, because she broke up with him, so why should she be hurt when he starts dating again? She didn't break up with him because she didn't care about him, she broke up with him because it was too hard to be with him.

It's hard to explain to people outside of the church. They couldn't get married because he couldn't get a temple recommend, and every time they thought he was going to be able to, he would fall back into old habits, and she got tired of the pain, of starting the whole process over, and then crashing again. It went on for almost two years, and finally she couldn't do it anymore. She said tonight that part of her wants the best for him, and wants him to be able to make it this time, but a very small ugly part of her hopes that he goes down with the sharks.

I usually try not to say too much about him (no, really!), because I know she feels like she has to defend the good things about him, and there are some, I'm sure, but tonight I was pissed off all over again. I'm glad she has her friend Sara to talk to, who is kinder and more forgiving than I am, but who is able to see him through clear eyes. Sara reminded Rachel of why we started calling him Biscuits - because he's a box of broken biscuits. He looks like the whole package on the outside - attractive, friendly, goes to church, works hard, kind to animals and small children - but when you get closer, you open it up and there's just the pile of broken pieces.

I hope Rachel took something to help her sleep like she said she was going to (better living through pharmaceuticals!), so she can just pass out and not lay in bed thinking.

Tune in tomorrow as the drama continues...

11:21 p.m. - 2007-03-21


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