monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


More on the morons.

I didn't work last night, so I went to bed early, well, at 11, which is early for me, and woke up at 2:30! I hate that!

I came downstairs then, to let Rich sleep, and checked my email, looked at journals to see who updated, and then when I was too cold to sit in the den any longer, I went back to bed and warmed up my feet on Rich. I knitted and read in bed until I got sleepy, and I did sleep a couple more hours.

Yesterday I got the yarn I ordered for the shrug that I'm going to knit for Kim to wear over her prom dress. When they do the Grand March - the kids go outside and parade around the block while everyone admires their formal clothes (or in the case of Rachel and I, we critique the hell out of them!) - it's always cold and the girls are freezing in their skimpy dresses. Kim wore a little bolero jacket last year:

This year I'm knitting a shrug from a pattern at I'm using the yarn called for in the pattern, for once - it's called Glimmerspun, a Lion Brand yarn and it's sparkly! I couldn't find the color I wanted so I bought it on eBay.

I'm working on this shrug, but all I really want to do is make socks! I ordered the new sock book, Favorite Socks, a new publication from Interweave Knits, and I'm so excited about making them! Socks are great projects because they don't take months to make, and there is no sewing up when you're done! You just weave the toe together and voila! A sock! Then you have to make the second one, but it's still fun! Because you want to wear them, so you stay motivated, and it's done in a few days!

Next Saturday is the local Fiber Festival, and I'm all about going to look for sock yarn! Rachel is coming here after work, and I'll be sleeping all morning, and then when she gets here, we can go together. It's so much fun, and maybe this year she will beat Adam in the drop-spindling contest. Yeah, probably not.

Because I was up early, I called RA and she came over after seminary to go out to breakfast. We went to a little restaurant where the waitresses know everyone that comes in, and they were talking to an older man at the counter, who said a video of his dog will be showing on Animal Planet tonight at 6 and again at 10. It's a show about funny pet videos, and his dog can make a touchdown with a football, and then he does a little endline dance. You know I'm going to be watching that!

One of the waitresses used to work in housekeeping at the hospital and then she was fired when some scandalous behavior was reported, so she's a little bitter, but today she asked me what happened with the guy who died yesterday. She saw it in the paper this morning and was hoping I had the scoop. I had to disappoint her there, but she said she was going to call some of the people she used to work with and see what she can find out.

I was trying to think of what else I could tell you about the idiots on the night shift, and I didn't come up with much. For a while there were two guys, Lenny and Denny, who were good friends, and they were the night floor techs. I called them the Moron Twins ("We're not twins!" - quick, what movie is that from?), and then Denny quit because he was mad when they were both suspended for refusing to come to work in the afternoon to learn to use a new floor machine.

Lenny is still there, and he is a prime idiot, who thinks he's a genius. He makes fun of Rocky for being slow, but Lenny is just as simple as Rocky, in fact Mike from Maintainance told me that he thinks maybe Lenny is dumber than Rocky. Maybe so, but it's hard to make that call when they're both morons.

Ken is the shift supervisor, and during the week he's been the one to give me breaks. He's actually capable of answering the phones so I don't have to take the mobile with me, but he's out of town for a few weeks, filling in on a job in another state. I don't really undertand that, because he doesn't appear to have any special skills, other than his ability to answer the phone when I'm in the Ladies! Anyway, when he knew he'd be gone for a while, he told me that the other guys would be carrying his pager at night and giving me breaks. I said, "Oh great, the Dream Team is in charge," and he thought that was pretty funny.

Okay, I've got errands to do and a shrug to knit, so that's it for now.

8:34 a.m. - 2007-04-13


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