monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which we walk. With dogs.

Whew! I just got back from walking all over the park! It's a beautiful sunny day, and Rachel is here, so we were going to take Buffy for a walk while Rich is gone taking Kim and the big harp to her Sunday rehearsal with the symphony.

We were putting our shoes on (and Buffy was getting so excited! Woot! Walk!) when I heard the noise that means someone is IMing me, so I checked my computer and it was Billy No-mates. He said "Let's do something," so I said we were about to take the dog to walk in the park and did he want to come with? I was surprised when he said yes, but okay, then!

So we met him at the park, by the duck pond, and started walking along the river. Suddenly Rachel thought of calling Kat, who walks her two "boys" in the park all the time, so she called her and Kat said she would get dressed and meet us by the nature path!

So Rachel, Billy, Buffy and I walked up the hilly path and back down by the river and Rachel and Billy talked about the ambiance of the gay bars he goes to, since Rachel visited a couple of them last week with a friend in drag, and then we went up the road to the nature path, and there was Kat, sitting in her car with her two dogs, Phineas and Oliver.

Because it was a beautiful day there were lots of people at the park, walking dogs or pushing strollers, and we had a great time! We each took a dog on a leash (except Billy), and I had Oliver, who is a busy Scotty, and cuter than anything. Kat's dogs wear harnesses and walk on retractable leashes. I love the retractable leashes! Some people think I'm not very good at handling them, but they are just whiners, who might have a welt or two where Oliver ran over them and dragged his leash across an arm or a leg. Also, three dogs on leashes? They get crossed and tangled if you don't keep the leashes fairly short, so that can be funny.

We walked and walked until Buffy (and me!) were so tired, and so thirsty! I think even Billy No-mates had a good time. We'll have to do it again sometime.

Now we're back home with our very, very tired dog, and Rachel is going to study while I play Animal Crossing. We used to do this a lot last year when she lived here - she'd study and I'd play, because it's pleasant and comfortable to have a game going on that you can half watch while you study. I bet my town is full of weeds, because I haven't played in weeks!

2:44 p.m. - 2007-04-15


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