monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I have a boring weekend.

So I'm back at work after a boring weekend off. I got a lot of sleep, though, so that was good.

Saturday was just a dull, crabby day, in which I did a lot of laundry, and very little else. I went to RA's house in the afternoon so we could walk with our sticks in the park near her street.

It's a nice little park with a wide-ish walking path around it, so we can walk side by side without tripping over our sticks. I like walking there because I feel too conspicuous in my neighborhood. You know, like everyone is staring, wondering why we are walking with our ski poles when it's obviously not snowing and we don't have skis.

Kim's friend Ana was sleeping over on Friday and still around for most of Saturday. Catsy showed up in the afternoon, bringing her new boyfriend. He seems nice enough, and she blew off her previous prom date so she can take this guy to prom, instead. He was sitting in the chair next to my knitting, playing a video game, and when I reached across him to pick up my knitting, he said his mother does crafts, in a condescending way, so I said, "I don't know what your mother does, but this is art!" and gave him a hard stare. To which he wisely answered nothing.

They all played video games and then DDR, but apparently the boyfriend has to be back home at 8 (Catsy said he's 'sheltered' because he's Catholic. Whatever that means.), so they all cleared out then.

I got some knitting done, since I wasn't doing anything else. Kim's shrug is almost done. I finished the body, and picked up stitches around the edge to do four rows of ribbing, but the directions for picking up the stitches seem a bit awkward. I tried doing it another way, but I was making mistakes in the ribbing left, right, and center, possibly because I was trying to read a book at the same time, and I got disgusted and pulled it all out. I'll get it done later this week. Now that I think about it, the shrug has been a bit of a pain to work on.

I finished a sock tonight, the mate to a green sock made from Silja yarn, with a lace rib pattern for the leg. I wish I could remember where I put the first sock! Oh well, it will turn up.

Still have four socks on the needles, as well as the cardi for Kim that I haven't touched in weeks, and a sweater for Rachel that just needs one more ball of yarn, but it's back-ordered until the end of May!

3:57 a.m. - 2007-04-30


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