monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I'm giving out lollipops and ass-kickings and I just ran out of lollipops!

Can I just tell you? The ribbed edge that I am supposed to be adding around the shrug for Kim? Yeah, it's kicking my butt.

Today I carefully divided the edge where the stitches are to be picked up into 4 equal areas, marked it with stitch markers (paperclips, really), and started picking up stitches again. When I had picked up the stitches evenly, I recounted and had 3 stitches too many, and I could see that one of my equal spaces was a little more equal than the rest, so I had picked up too many stitches there. I am seriously considering putting a crocheted edge on this thing. What do you think? I don't want it to look lacy at all, so I could just do two rows of single crochet and it would give it a nice edge that would lie flat. I think I'll try it.

In other earth-shaking prom news, Sando has ordered a white flower corsage for Kim, so today she ordered a white rosebud boutinierre (I still can't spell that, and I don't care enough to look it up) for him.

Also, their dinner plans have changed again, and they have agreed to eat somewhere local, as long as it isn't Chinese. Apparently Sando thinks Italian would be okay, probably because he can get a plain cheese pizza there. I called for them and made a reservation at the place where we had the girl's golf team banquet. It was nice, quiet, and they take restervations. Whew! That's settled.

The last thing on my list for prom preparations is getting a garter for Kim. RA and I are going to the lingerie store tomorrow to see what they've got.

Saturday is going to be hella busy, with Kim having her hair and eyebrows done at 9 a.m, and needing to be in Rockford at 11:30. The youth symphony is having a final concert on Saturday, the same day as prom for several of the schools in the area. The kids in the orchestra come from all over the place and attend different schools, so it's going to be a busy day for all of them.

Sando's mom told me Sunday that she has to attend two sporting events on Saturday with two of her other kids, and her husband will be out of town with the girl's softball team, so I assured her that I would get pictures of our kids and she doesn't need to worry about it. There are two other activities that I know about on Saturday, but Kim already has plans!

Kim is sniffling, so I think she's coming down with a cold, and I just sent her to the kitchen to make a glass of Emergen-C, the savior of mankind for colds. She can take some of that every hour or two tonight and if it doesn't wipe out the cold completely, it won't be as bad!

Okay, I'm going to find a crochet hook and break open a can of whup-ass on that shrug!

4:04 p.m. - 2007-05-01


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